Document Date: 2017-05-06 08:37:32
You can find the newer version of this document here

PNPSCADA Web Service Documentation

Table of Contents

Various Reports:


Note 1: Specifying an entity

In some cases entities can be specified in multiple ways:
eidJust the entity ID. Used when you have the entity's ID.
key1 and cid Generally, key1 is the First/System name.
cid is the Class id.
key1 is always unique on the system for a given class.
Therefore, an entity can be uniquely identified by the key1 and cid.
e.g. To get an Elster A1140 with serial 0123456789 you can specify
cid=107 and key1=0123456789
key2 and cid Generally, key2 is the Second/User name.
key2 is advised to be unique, however, the user/client can specify any value here.
e.g. To get an Elster A1140 with user specified name "Main Incomer" you can specify
cid=107 and key2=Main Incomer (remember in an HTTP GET this will be key2=Main%20Incomer)
cid is generally not compulsory.
key3 key3 is an alphanumeric customer identifier that can be set up by an automated system remotely via setKey3.jsp. It can be up to 128 characters long. By default it is null.
Key1, Key2 and Key3 Note the uppercase K. This is generally used when specifying a range of entities as opposed to just one. In the case of Key1 and Key2, it enable SQL wildcards, and in the case of Key3, it allows a comma delimited list.

Note 2: Phone Number

Phone number is always in international format with no spaces. e.g. +27831231234

Note 3: Dates

Dates are specified in full in the form: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
e.g. 2009-08-31 13:59:00.000
When the milliseconds are not specified, it is assumed to be 000
When the seconds and milliseconds are not specified, it is assumed to be 00.000
When the time is not specified, it is assumed to be 00:00:00.000

Note 4: Status values for Totals

Each decimal digit pertains to a different register:
x * 10^0 for E1
x * 10^1 for F1
x * 10^2 for E2
x * 10^3 for F3
x * 10^4 for F2
x * 10^5 for F4
When x = 1 : Calculated value, from 0 base
When x = 2 : Calculated value, from meter reading value base
When x = 3 : meter reading value
When x = 9 : manual reading
e.g. 333333 means E1 to F4 were all read from meter.

Note 5: Naming

Sometimes clas is used and sometimes class.
Same for interf and interface and ntity and entity.
This is because the internal database structure uses the shortened names.
They are used interchangeably in this document and mean the same thing.
They are not interchangeable in the actual commands, and should have the value as documented for each individual case.

Note 6: HTTP Parameters

HTTP parameters are case sensitive and should be specified as specified in this document

Note 7: Security

You should specify the LOGIN and PWD parameters with each query to establish your credentials. LOGIN should be in the form domain.login, for example sdg.marinusvz

An alternative is to specify the login without the sub-domain, but then the ORG parameter must be specified. That is the name of the organization to which the login belongs.

If possible, care should be taken to use the https version of the url, as opposed to the http version, so that passwords are encrypted.

Note 8: Ports

You can use port 441 for HTTPS and port 8080 for HTTP.
Port 445 for HTTPS also works, however, Azure and Vodacom has restricted connecting to these ports, so prefer 441

Parameter Types:

LOGIN The short organisation name and then the username with which you log into the site, separated with a dot (.). if using HTTP GET, spaces must be written as %20
PWD Your password. if using HTTP GET, spaces must be written as %20
ORG Your organisations full name. if using HTTP GET, spaces must be written as %20
phone phone number in international format. if using HTTP GET, the plus must be written as %2B, since + in a url is interpreted as a space. e.g. 082 123 4567 should be given as %2B27821234567
sim SIM number of sim card. This must be the full 19 or 20 digit number. e.g. 8927000000111111111
id Alphanumeric string, maximum length 64 characters.
serial Meter serial number. Maximum length 20 characters.
port Value between 1-65535. Ports to the server must be above 1024
type Alphanumeric string.
error message Alphanumeric string describing the problem with the operation.



Inputtype: The description of the class of Entity to add. (if not giving advar_class)
Input Different class types require different inputs.


OrganizationNameName of organisation. May not be empty.e.g. My Organisation
Address1Postal Address Line 1. May not be empty.e.g. P.O. Box 166
Address2Postal Address Line 2e.g. Van Riebeeckpark
CityCity. May not be empty.e.g. Ekurhuleni
StateProvinceChoiceS for State or P for Province. May not be empty.e.g. P
ProvinceProvince (Leave empty if StateProvinceChoice is S)e.g. Gauteng
StateState (Leave empty if StateProvinceChoice is P)e.g. Mississippi
PostalCodePostal Code. May not be empty.e.g. 1629
CountryCountry short name. May not be empty.e.g. ZA
TimeZoneTimezone in text. May not be empty. List of supported timezonese.g. Africa/Johannesburg
PhoneDialPhone international number. May not be empty.e.g. 27
PhoneLocal phone number. May not be empty.e.g. 010 003 1015 is given as 100031015
PhoneExtPhone extension (Empty if none)e.g. 123
FaxDialFax international number(Empty if no fax)e.g. 27
FaxLocal fax numbere.g. 010 003 1015 is given as 100031015
StreetAddressStreet Address. May not be empty.e.g. 14 Partridge Ave, Kempton Park X2
VATNumber(Empty if none)e.g. 4130175733
NewSubDomainThis is required for the banner to work.e.g. sdg
NewBannere.g. Not supported yet.

Login Account

p9_num0Interface:Role (20);

SIM card

simThe full 19 or 20 digit sim number. This is usually, for South African SIMs, the number on the SIM prepended with 892700000e.g. 8927000000492958323
cellPhone number in full international format.e.g. +27835627259

TC65 modem

p1_num0Interface:SIM (1)
mnameUser defined name of modeme.g. My First TC65
ExampleSuppose a SIM was added and have ID 1170. To link a TC65 to it:
Warning: This will try to setup the TC65. If the TC65 is not connected the system at that time an error will be returned.

Active Etherpad

PORTThe port that it will connect to.e.g. 10225
NameUser defined name of Etherpade.g. My First AE


MAdrModbus Addresse.g. 23
IDATEInstallation Datee.g. 2009-09-09

Elster A1700

p3_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Meter. Note: if the Meter Serial starts with 3514, then the last digit must be left out.e.g. for 3514 31501825 6 the number is given as 351431501825
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g. Main incomer 1
ZONEZone where meter was installed.e.g. Capetown
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g. MP Pinetown
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g. Tropicana
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
PASSWDPassword of meter. Defaults to FEDC0003e.g. FEDC0003
MDIDMultidrop ID of metere.g. 001
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4
ExampleSuppose you want to add a 1700 linked to an Active Etherpad with ID 1172:

Elster A1140

p4_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
CommentThe rest are the same as Elster A1700 (p3_num and p3_num0 becomes p4_num and p4_num0 respectively)

Elster AS1440

p60_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
WIRES2 wire meter.e.g. 2
CommentThe rest are the same as Elster A1700 (p3_num and p3_num0 becomes p60_num and p60_num0 respectively)

Elster AS230

p50_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
WIRES2 wire meter.e.g. 2
CommentThe rest are the same as Elster A1700 (p3_num and p3_num0 becomes p50_num and p50_num0 respectively)
ExampleSuppose you want to add a AS230 linked to an Active Etherpad with ID 3303:

Pulse Meter

p5_num0Interface:Pulse Counter (3)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 01420002
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PPUPulses per unit. All meter readings including totals are divided by PPU. This value must be an integer bigger or equal to 1. Do not set this value to 0.e.g. 1
UPPNumber of units per pulse. All meter readings including totals are divided by UPP. This value must be an integer bigger or equal to 1. Do not set this value to 0 or all your readings will be multiplied with 0.e.g. 1
MTYPEMust be one of:
Electricity (Generic)
Generic BACnet
Fuel Gas
e.g. Water
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
P1CChannel of P1. Value between 1-8e.g. 1
Q1CChannel of P1. Value between 1-8e.g. 2
P2CChannel of P1. Value between 1-8e.g. 3
Q2CChannel of P1. Value between 1-8e.g. 4
Q3CChannel of P1. Value between 1-8e.g. 5
Q4CChannel of P1. Value between 1-8e.g. 6
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4

Meter Account

p6_num0Interface:Meter with Profile (6)
p7_num0Interface:Tariff (15)
CNAMECustomer namee.g. Demo account
ANUMBERAccount Number of customer. This will appear on the generated bills.e.g. 6219938471
S[index of meter]_portione.g. +1.0
deftare.g. 516 (this is the key1 of the tariff that must be the default tariff)
NMD[index of tariff]e.g. 'n.a.'
START[index of tariff]e.g. 2011-03-02

TOU Calendar

nameName of calendare.g. Eskom TOU
TOUtemplatekey1 of calendar to copye.g. 1
Example TOU&TOUtemplate=1


nameName of tariffe.g. City Power LV Electricity
TariffTemplatethey key1 of the tariff to copy, or the id of the public template to copye.g. 512

Organization Role

p10_num0Interface:Organization (22)
descrName of the Rolee.g. Administrator
addRestrIs adding entities restricted to some specific classes? 'yes' or 'no'.e.g. yes/no
interfRestrIs use of interfaces restricted to some specific interfaces?e.g. yes/no
entRestrIs access to entities restricted to some specific entities?e.g. yes/no
addListA comma delimited list (or specified in multiple form elements of the same name) of the class ids (cid) the Role can add (and delete). Empty if none (and restricted Y). For an entity's class id, hover over the class name of the selected entity in the overview screen and a tool tip would appear.e.g. 100 for Organization entities
interfListA list of interface ids of interfaces that may be used if restricted. To see an interface id, go to the role edit screen and hover over the Interface Description in the top right pane. A tool tip should appear with the number of the interface id (iid).e.g. 11 for Meter Account
entListA list of the entity ids that are accessible if entity access is restricted. Otherwise the role can see all entities belonging to his organization.e.g. 2299993213

PnPScada Server

CommentMust be added manually by request.

Passive Etherpad

IPIP to connect toe.g.
PORTPort to connect toe.g. 10001
NameUser defined name for the etherpade.g. My First PE

Utility Systems UtiliHub Concentrator

IPIP to connect toe.g.
NameUser defined name for the etherpade.g. My First UtiliHub
AreaArea Code Description (case sensitive)e.g. Demo
autoaddOptional, only specify if you want meters to be automatically added when sensede.g. X

Utility Systems WMD via UtiliHub

p156_num0Interface:Utility Systems UtiliHub Concentrator (157)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 41172418430
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01

Utility Systems - Real Telematics (RTS) Real Log Concentrator

SNUMBERSerial number of Concentratore.g. 1234
NameUser defined name for the Concentratore.g. My First Real Log
AreaIDArea Codee.g. 51
autoaddOptional, only specify if you want meters to be automatically added when sensede.g. X
p161_num0Interface:SIM (1)The database id of the SIM

Utility Systems WMD via RTS Real Log

p159_num0Interface:Utility Systems RTS Concentrator (159)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 41172418430
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01

Premier PRI

p12_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 04P00468
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4

EDMI Mk6 Genius

p13_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 206703186
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4

EDMI Mk10 Atlas

p14_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
CommentThe rest are the same as EDMI Mk6 Genius

Elster A140

p15_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
CommentThe rest are the same as Elster A1700

Meter Account Group

p16_numAny Amount (0+)
p16_num0Interface:Meter Account (11)

Hexing HXE110-KP Single phase DLMS STS meter

p135_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 14254670012
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
PASSWDPassword, default is 000000e.g. 000000

Hexing HXE310-KP Three phase DLMS STS meter

p143_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 14265325556
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
PASSWDPassword, default is 000000e.g. 000000

Hexing HXF300 Three phase DLMS meter

p144_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 16470639
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
PASSWDPassword, default is 00000000000000000000000000000000e.g. 00000000000000000000000000000000

Hexing internal GPRS modem - Client Mode

NameModem's user defined namee.g. ATM
IDMeter Serial Numbere.g. 14265325556

Hexing HXET-200 Concentrator

NameConcentrator's user defined namee.g. Complex A
IDTerminal Addresse.g. 15684079

Generic Modbus Coil

p19_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)

Latched Breaker

p17_num0Interface:Digital Output (30); Digital Output for Switching On
p18_num0Interface:Digital Output (30); Digital Output for Switching Off


p20_num0Interface:SIM (1)

Landis & Gyr

p21_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 93936780
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4


p22_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 06060069
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4


p158_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 06060069
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker size in Amperee.g. 100
CTPRIMCT Primary in Amperee.g. 200
CTSECCT Secondary in Amperee.g. 5
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
PASSWDPassword, default is 00000000. Pls note for CT meters the default is 22222222e.g. 00000000

Sanxing Modem

NameModem's user defined namee.g.
IDMeter Serial Numbere.g.
p160_num0Interface:SIM (1)The database id of the SIM

SigFox stub

rtuNameSigFox stub Identifier. This is what will be appended to * as the update url to send updates to.
(After adding, the full key1 of the entity is the Update URL to enter into the SigFox portal.)
e.g. 123
nameSigFox stub user defined namee.g. SqwidNet account
autoaddoptional. Specify only if you want to enable autoadd of SigFox entities
Feature still under development
e.g. X
  cidoptional. SigFox entity class id to auto add (if enabled) when receiving a message with an unknown SigFox device ide.g. 292 for Kamstrup SigFox water meter
callbackoptional. Specify only if you want to enable callback to the SigFox API to request missed packetse.g. X
  loginoptional. Specify SigFox API logine.g. piet
  passwordoptional. Specify SigFox API passworde.g. password1
  apiurloptional. Specify SigFox API portal URLe.g.

SigFox VisioUtil Pulse Counter (restricted access)

SNUMBERSigFox ID of the device, e.g. 12345678 or VS01-005-12345678-40 e.g. 12345678 Only the SigFox ID is retained
MNAMEUser defined namee.g. My Pulse Counter1
p164_num0Interface:SIGFOX Account (161)The entity id of the SigFox stub

SigFox Kamstrup water meter

SNUMBERSigFox ID (serial number) of the device, e.g. 12345678 e.g. 12345678
MNAMEUser defined namee.g. My SigFox Kamstrup1
COMDATEInstallation Date (YYYY-MM-DD)e.g. 2018-02-09
p163_num0Interface:SIGFOX Account (161)The entity id of the SigFox stub

SigFox RTS Pulse Counter

SNUMBERSigFox ID (serial number) of the device, e.g. 12345678 e.g. 12345678
MNAMEUser defined namee.g. My SigFox RTS Pulse Counter
p168_num0Interface:SIGFOX Account (161)The entity id of the SigFox stub


p23_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 06060069
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4

Elster A220

p24_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 30514111
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01


p25_num0Interface:Digital Output (30); Digital Output for Switching Off and On

Elster A100C Irda

p26_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 37900980
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01

Demand Controller

p28_num0Interface:Meter Account Admin (12); Demand to Monitor
p29_num0Interface:Breaker (31); Load to Manage

SNMP Context

p30_num0Interface:Meter with Totals (7)

KoCoS Elster A1140 modem

p31_num0Interface:SIM (1)The database id of the SIM
mnameUser defined name for the modeme.g. MyKoCoS

RMS Accumulator

p32_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
IDUnique ID/Name of accumulator. The format of the name must be RMSnnnn where n is a digit from 0 to 9e.g. RMS1011
DescriptionUser defined namee.g. My First Accumulator
Example Suppose you want to add an Accumulator linked to a Passive Etherpad with ID 1174:


p33_num0Interface:RMS Accumulator (37)
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 800
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 800
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 800
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
Serial NumberSerial of Metere.g. 14600756
NameUnique ID/Name of Etrone.g. 123
Example Suppose you want to add an Etron linked to an Accumulator with ID 1175: Number=14600756&Name=123

Route Master Hand-held


CSD Modem

p34_num0Interface:SIM (1)

Maestro Modem

p35_num0Interface:SIM (1)

Generic APN Modem

p36_num0Interface:SIM (1)

IP-Telemetry GPRS Modem

p94_num0Interface:SIM (1)
Accounte.g. 7C034CDD5F7F

Itron SL7000

p37_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
nextbIs the form submitted.e.g. Y
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 35013062
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
MDIDe.g. 17

Itron ACE6000

p75_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
nextbIs the form submitted.e.g. Y
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 35013062
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMY if primary metering, N if secondary metering.e.g. Y
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
MDIDe.g. 17

Itron ACE9000

p83_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
nextbIs the form submitted.e.g. Y
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 01452573270
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01

Simple Load

p38_num0Interface:Breaker (31)

Toyota Shift Analyser

p39_num0Interface:Meter Account (11)

Itron ACE9000

p83_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
nextbIs the form submitted.e.g. Y
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 01452573270
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01

SyM² Meter

p93_num0Interface:Communication Device (2)
nextbIs the form submitted.e.g. Y
SNUMBERSerial of Metere.g. 000F93028323
MNUMBERModem Serial Numbere.g. 7C034CDD5F85
MNAMEMeter's user defined namee.g.
PLACEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
ZONEPlace where meter was installed.e.g.
SITESite where meter was installed.e.g.
FULLLOADBreaker sizee.g. 100
CTPRIMCT primary value.e.g. 800
CTSECCT secondary value.e.g. 5
VTPRIMVT primary value.e.g. 400
VTSECVT secondary value.e.g. 400
PRIMARYMX if primary metering, leave out if secondary metering.e.g. Y
WIRES3 or 4 wire meter.e.g. 4
COMDATEDate of commissioning/installation. No readings will be read from before this date from the meter.e.g. 2009-05-01
PASSWDPassword to log in via IPT-T or SyM2.e.g. PW0

Summation Meter

p77_num0Interface:Meter Account (11)
nameName to appear on summation metere.g. Edgars
vserialSerial of summation metere.g. S001
Description Add an entity to the system. Each entity is placed in a class. To see a list of classes, look at getAllClasses and then getClass.
Return on success <xml><result>SUCCESS</result><eid>ID of added entity</eid></xml>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Input eid: id of entity to be deleted
Description Deletes the given entity.
If other entities depend on this entity, delete will fail with the error message:
Unresolved Dependency. Cannot remove [this entity id] because of [dependant entity id].
All entities dependant on this entity should be removed before this entity can be removed.
Return on success <xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputdate:The exact date of the total to get. See Note 3
Inputeid: Entity ID
Inputkey1: First/System name
Inputkey2: Second/User name
Inputcid: Class ID
Inputphone: Phone number. See Note 2
Description See Note 1 for eid, cid, key1 and key2
This will return only non-calculated totals. i.e. Totals as read from the meter.
Profile will not be used to get to a total on a specific date and time.
User must have access to view meters with totals, to be able to view the totals through this service.
Return on success
<serial>Meter's serial</serial>
<id>Meter's user defined name</id>
  <result>SUCCESS/ERROR:error message</result>
  <date>Date of this total. (The total before the given time)</date>
  <P1>Active import (kWh). Does not reclock. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</Q4>
  <P1READING>Unmodified active import as read from the meter. Re-clocks. No multiplier</P1READING>
  <Q1READING>Unmodified reactive energy as read from the meter. Re-clocks. No multiplier</Q1READING>
  <STATUS>See Note 4</STATUS>
  <result>SUCCESS/ERROR:error message</result>
  <date>Date of this total. (The total after the given time)</date>
  <P1>Active import (kWh). Does not reclock. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</Q4>
  <P1READING>Unmodified active import as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</P1READING>
  <Q1READING>Unmodified reactive energy as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</Q1READING>
  <STATUS>See Note 4</STATUS>
  <result>SUCCESS/ERROR:error message</result>
  <date>The date as close to the given time as possible, using profile.</date>
  <P1>Active import (kWh). Does not reclock. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</Q4>
  <P1READING>Unmodified active import as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</P1READING>
  <Q1READING>Unmodified reactive energy as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</Q1READING>
  <STATUS>See Note 4</STATUS>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputstartdate:The oldest date from where to calculate Maximum Demand. See Note 3
Inputenddate:The youngest date up to where to calculate Maximum Demand. See Note 3
Inputeid: Entity ID
Inputkey1: First/System name
Inputkey2: Second/User name
Inputcid: Class ID
Inputphone: Phone number. See Note 2
Description See Note 1 for eid, cid, key1 and key2
User must have access to view meters with totals, to be able to view the totals through this service.
Return on success
<serial>Meter's serial</serial>
<id>Meter's user defined name</id>
  <result>SUCCESS/ERROR:error message</result>
  <date>Date of start total.</date>
  <P1>Active import (kWh). Does not reclock. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</Q4>
  <P1READING>Unmodified active import as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</P1READING>
  <Q1READING>Unmodified reactive energy as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</Q1READING>
  <STATUS>See Note 4</STATUS>
  <result>SUCCESS/ERROR:error message</result>
  <date>Date of end total.</date>
  <P1>Active import (kWh). Does not reclock. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</Q4>
  <P1READING>Unmodified active import as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</P1READING>
  <Q1READING>Unmodified reactive energy as read from the meter. Reclocks. No multiplier</Q1READING>
  <STATUS>See Note 4</STATUS>
  <result>SUCCESS/ERROR:error message</result>
  <date>The date as close to the given time as possible, using profile.</date>
  <kVA>The calculated kVA</kVA>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputstartdate:The oldest date from where to return profile values. See Note 3
Inputenddate:The youngest date from where to return profile values. See Note 3
Inputeid: Entity ID
Inputkey1: First/System name
Inputkey2: Second/User name
Inputcid: Class ID
Inputphone: Phone number. See Note 2
Description See Note 1 for eid, cid, key1 and key2
User must have access to view meters with totals, to be able to view the totals through this service.
Return on success
<serial>Meter's serial</serial>
<id>Meter's user defined name</id>
  <date>Date of this sample.</date>
  <P1>Active import (kW). Does not count up. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kvar). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kW). Does not count up.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvar)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvar)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvar)</Q4>
  <STATUS>See Note 4</STATUS>
... (more samples)
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputstart:The oldest date from where to return profile values. See Note 3
Inputend:The youngest date from where to return profile values. See Note 3
Inputeids: Entity ID of meter account
Inputkey1: (optional) First/System name
Inputkey2: (optional) Second/User name
Inputcid: (optional) Class ID (109)
Description Get meter account profile, already summed according to the portions specified in the meter account
Return on success
<id>Meter's serial</id>
  <serial>Serial of meter</serial>
  <portion>Portion of meter in this account</portion>
  <period>Period in which meter's profile is stored in seconds (e.g. 1800 = half hour)</period>
.. more meters
  <date>Date of this sample.</date>
  <P1>Active import (kW). Does not count up. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
  <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
  <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
  <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvar)</Q2>
  <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvar)</Q3>
  <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvar)</Q4>
... (more samples)
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputid: id of the class to get. e.g. 123
Inputdescr: the name of the class to get (if not giving the id). e.g. SmarTee
Description Gets the class along with all it's imports and exports.
e.g. A SIM (class) exports SIM (interface) and a modem imports SIM (interface) and exports Communication Device (interface).
Return on success
<id>The class ID</id>
<descr>Human readable name for class</descr>
<category>Categories of class.
Categories are:
    <id>ID of import</id>
    <iid>ID of interface that this import refers to</iid>
    <num>Number of times that this import imports the interface</num>
    <descr>Description of import (If there are multiple imports)</descr>
  ... (more interfaces imported)
    <id>ID of export</id>
    <iid>ID of interface that this import refers to</iid>
    <descr>Description of export</descr>
  ... (more interfaces exported)
what is key1 called for this class, e.g. ID
what is key1 called for this class, e.g. Name
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputid: id of the interface to get. e.g. 1
Inputdescr: the name of the interface to get (if not giving the id). e.g. SIM
Description Gets a description of the interface
Return on success
  <interf><id>Interface ID</id>
    <descr>Description of interface</descr>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputeid: ID of entity to get.
Inputcid: ID of class of entity.
Inputkey1: First/System name.
Inputkey2: Second/User name.
Description Returns the specified entity with imports and exports.
See Note 1 for eid, cid, key1 and key2
Use getAllEntities to get all entity IDs, and then use this (getEntity) to get the details of the entities you got.
User must have access to view the specified entity.
Return on success
    <id>id of entity</id>
    <cid>class id</cid>
    <key1>Entities first/system name</key1>
    <key2>Entities second/human name</key2>
        <mid>Interface ID imported</mid>
        <num>Number of times that interface is imported</num>
          ID of the entity imported with this interface.
          The depended Entity ID.
          e.g. A GPRS modem depends on a SIM.
          Calling getEntity on the modem, will then give the SIMs ID here once they are linked up.
        <xid>The export ID of the imported entity.
        This is required because some entities export interfaces multiple times.
        e.g. A SIM exports xid 2 (which points to the SIM interface) and a modem imports mid 1 (which points to the SIM interface)</xid>
      ... (more imports)
        <xid>Interface ID exported</xid>
        <num>Number of times that interface is exported</num>
          ID of the entity exported with this interface.
          The dependent Entity ID.
          e.g. A GPRS modem depends on a SIM.
          Calling getEntity on the SIM, will then give the modem's ID here once they are linked up.
        <mid>The import ID of the exported entity.</mid>
      ... (more exports)
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputiid: Interface that must be imported
Description All class IDs on the current system that imports the given interface.
Use getClass to get the details of a specific class
Return on success
  <clas><id>Class ID</id></clas>
  ... (more classes)
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputiid: Interface that must be exported
Description All class IDs on the current system that exports the given interface.
Use getClass to get the details of a specific class
Return on success
  <clas><id>Class ID</id></clas>
  ... (more classes)
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputcid (optional): ID of class to get. If left out, it gets all the entities
Inputshowkey1: First/System name.
Inputshowkey2: Second/User name.
Inputshowcid: ID of class of entity.
Description All entity IDs on the current system belonging to the specified username.
Use getEntity to get the details of a specific entity
Return on success
  <entity><id>Entity ID</id></entity>
  ... (more entities)
  <len>Amount of entities passed</len>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Description All class IDs on the current system.
Use getClass to get the details of a specific class
Return on success
    <clas><id>ID of class</id></clas>
    ...(more classes)
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputoldeid: ID of entity that exports Communication Device interface (2) to remove
Inputneweid: ID of entity that exports Communication Device interface (2) to insert
Description Changes the communication device used by all dependent entities (e.g. meter/Accumulator) from one communication device to another.
Return on success <xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure <xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Description Add a SIM card to the system.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


DescriptionAdd a maestro Modem.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


DescriptionAdd a CSD Modem.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


DescriptionAdd an Accumulator.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Inputrtuid or accumulatorId
DescriptionAdd a meter.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


DescriptionList of meters that could not be phoned in the last n days.


Inputoptional: phone or sim or PNPENTID and PNPENTCLASID
phonethe Connection's 'phone number'
simthe Connection's 'sim number'
PNPENTIDthe meter Entity's DB ID
PNPENTCLASIDthe meter Entity's Class ID. It must be a meter, in other words, export the Meter Admin interfaceSee getClass for a list of possible class IDs
Default of 15
The mask of the sets to get:
PROFILE = 0x01; // bit 0 d
TOTALS = 0x02; // bit 1 t
EVENTS = 0x04; // bit 2 e
PHASOR = 0x08; // bit 3 p
BILLING_REGISTERS = 0x4000; // bit 14 for example: Peak, or 4s or 7 or whatever the meter calls it. So, it is a bit like instrumentation profile, in that the meter can record anything. In fact, it is exacty a vset, except the times are like: the first day of the month? But the meter itself will differentiate,
Default is 'no'
Should be a value of 'yes' if you prefer a CSD connection to a GPRS connection, e.g. with a GPRS modem. You must have CSD modem/s connected and configured on your PNPSCADA server for this to work.
DescriptionAdd a meter or many meters on one connection to the queue for reading it. Will put it at the head of the Acquire queue.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleRequest a meter to be read. e.g.


PNPENTIDthe Entity's DB ID (you can also specify the entity using key1 or key2 or key3) has to be a meter
PNPENTCLASIDthe Entity's Class ID
DescriptionRequest an entity's Read Status.
Return on success <xml>
<key1>[Requested Meter Serial Number]</key1>
<key2>[Requested Meter Name]</key2>
<maxdate>[Date of latest data in DB for meter (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)]</maxdate>
<readdate>[last dat and time a read attempt was completed (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)]</readdate>
<smsg>[Short message]</smsg>
<tmsg>[Technical error report]</tmsg>
<lmsg>[Long message]</lmsg>
<readlevel>[read level 0-3]</readlevel>
<readleveldesc>[read level description]</readleveldesc>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


key1the meter's serial number.
DescriptionRequest a Meter's decryption key.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result><eid>Requested Entity ID</eid><cid>Requested Entity Class ID</cid><key1>Key 1 of requested Entity (Name unique per class)</key1><key2>Key 2 of requested Entity (User defined name)</key2><enckey>Decryption key</enckey></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


PNPENTIDthe Entity's DB ID
PNPENTCLASIDthe Entity's Class IDSee getClass for a list of possible class IDs
DescriptionRequest an entity's Key3 value.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result><eid>Requested Entity ID</eid><cid>Requested Entity Class ID</cid><key1>Key 1 of requested Entity (Name unique per class)</key1><key2>Key 2 of requested Entity (User defined name)</key2><key3>Key 3 of requested Entity (Unique in all of database)</key3></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


PNPENTIDthe Entity's DB ID
PNPENTCLASIDthe Entity's Class IDSee getClass for a list of possible class IDs
key3Set an entity's Key3 value.
DescriptionRequest an entity's Key3 value.
Return on success<xml><result>SUCCESS</result><eid>Requested Entity ID</eid><cid>Requested Entity Class ID</cid><key1>Key 1 of requested Entity (Name unique per class)</key1><key2>Key 2 of requested Entity (User defined name)</key2><key3>Key 3 of requested Entity (Unique in all of database)</key3></xml>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


(Note: key names are case sensitive)
a comma delimited string of key3 IDs
startdateThe start date of the profile (If omitted, defaults to the enddate - 24 hours)
enddateThe end date of the profile in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". The "HH:MM:SS" part is optional
Key1 (optional)Filter on meter's Key1. (where % is the wild card, this must be URL-Encoded with %25, e.g. Key1=%25loc%25)
Key2 (optional)Filter on meter's Key2
pk1 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key1, e.g. a SIM card number. SQL wildcards supported.
pk2 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key2, e.g. a phone number. SQL wildcards supported.
place (optional)Filter on meter's place
site (optional)Filter on meter's site
zone (optional)Filter on meter's zone
commissioned (optional) yes/no/all. Default is 'yes'. If yes, only considers meters where the commissioned flag in the Meter Details has been set on.e.g. commissioned=all
p1 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default truee.g. p1=false
q1 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default truee.g. q1=false
p2 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. p2=true
q2 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. q2=true
q3 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. q3=true
q4 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. q4=true
minutes (optional)if the meter has 15 minute data, you may change it to 15 from the default 30, then there should be 96 instead of 48 values per day, default 30e.g. minutes=15
totalProfiles (optional)if "true", the sets of profile values are returned as totals, default falsee.g. totalProfiles=true
DescriptionGet the half-hour profile readings in kWh and kvarh for one or more meters
Return on success
  <date>the last profile date</date>
        comma delimited string with 48 values ordered by time starting with 00:30. Units of Measure is kWh or kl
        comma delimited string with 48 values ordered by time starting with 00:30 – only included if parameter set to true. Units of Measure is kvarh
      <kVA>max demand in the 24hour period</kVA>
        The lower 7 bits are used to represent a NUMBER for the STATUS sample,
        that can mean different things for different meters.
        The higher bits after that have generic meanings, and can be
        simultaneously set to mean more than one thing at the same time:
        UNDER VOLTAGE            = 0x0080
        OVER VOLTAGE             = 0x0100
        REVERSE FLOW             = 0x0200
        OVER CURRENT             = 0x0400
        OVER ENERGY              = 0x0800
        CALC IMPORTED            = 0x1000
        CALC INTERPOLATED        = 0x2000
        GAPS                     = 0x8000
      <e1>total + profile up to the enddate (kWh)</e1>
      <f1>total +profile up to the enddate (kvarh)</f1>
      <cid>Class ID</cid>
      <primary>if primary metering "Y", else "N"</primary>
      <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
      <key2>Meter's user defined name</key2>
      <key3>Meter's Key3 (which may be null)</key3>
    </meter> meter...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the profile for multiple meters, during 2 dates.


(Note: key names are case sensitive)
a comma delimited string of key3 IDs
startdateThe start date (If omitted, defaults to the enddate - 24 hours)
enddateThe end date in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". The "HH:MM:SS" part is optional
Key1 (optional)Filter on meter's Key1. (where % is the wild card, this must be URL-Encoded with %25, e.g. Key1=%25loc%25)
Key2 (optional)Filter on meter's Key2
pk1 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key1, e.g. a SIM card number. SQL wildcards supported.
pk2 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key2, e.g. a phone number. SQL wildcards supported.
place (optional)Filter on meter's place
site (optional)Filter on meter's site
zone (optional)Filter on meter's zone
commissioned (optional) yes/no/all. Default is 'yes'. If yes, only considers meters where the commissioned flag in the Meter Details has been set on.e.g. commissioned=all
p1 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default truee.g. p1=false
q1 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default truee.g. q1=false
p2 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. p2=true
q2 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. q2=true
q3 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. q3=true
q4 (optional)if "false" (or "no"), do not return this set of values, default falsee.g. q4=true
DescriptionGet the totals for a meter, between two dates.
Return on success
  <date>the last total date</date>
        comma delimited string with 48 values ordered by time starting with 00:30
        comma delimited string with 48 values ordered by time starting with 00:30 – only included if parameter set to true
      <kVA>max demand in the 24hour period</kVA>
        The lower 7 bits are used to represent a NUMBER for the STATUS sample,
        that can mean different things for different meters.
        The higher bits after that have generic meanings, and can be
        simultaneously set to mean more than one thing at the same time:
        UNDER VOLTAGE            = 0x0080
        OVER VOLTAGE             = 0x0100
        REVERSE FLOW             = 0x0200
        OVER CURRENT             = 0x0400
        OVER ENERGY              = 0x0800
        CALC IMPORTED            = 0x1000
        CALC INTERPOLATED        = 0x2000
        GAPS                     = 0x8000
      <e1>total + profile up to the enddate (kWh)</e1>
      <f1>total + profile up to the enddate (kvarh)</f1>
      <e1_start>total + profile up to the startdate (kWh)</e1_start>
      <f1_start>total + profile up to the startdate (kvarh)</f1_start>
      <consumtpion>e1 - e1_start(kWh)</consumtpion>
      <cid>Class ID</cid>
      <primary>if primary metering "Y", else "N"</primary>
      <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
      <key2>Meter's user defined name</key2>
      <key3>Meter's Key3 (which may be null)</key3>
    </meter> meter...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the totals for a meter, between two dates.


(Note: key names are case sensitive)
a comma delimited string of key3 IDs
startdateThe start date
enddateThe end date in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". The "HH:MM:SS" part is optional
Key1 (optional)Filter on meter's Key1. (where % is the wild card, this must be URL-Encoded with %25, e.g. Key1=%25loc%25)
Key2 (optional)Filter on meter's Key2
calculate (optional)If no other total found, try to calculate a total from profile for startdate and enddate
DescriptionGet all the totals for a meter, between two dates.
Return on success
  <name>Name of meter</name>
    <date>date of this total</date>
    <E1>Total Energy reading (Active import - this is the default of most meters) kWh</E1>
    <E2>Total Reverse Active Energy reading (this is left out if zero)</E2>
    <F1>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 1 - forward lagging) (this is left out if zero) kvarh</F1>
    <F2>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 2 - reverse leading) (this is left out if zero)</F2>
    <F3>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 3 - reverse lagging) (this is left out if zero)</F3>
    <F4>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 4 - forward leading) (this is left out if zero)</F4>
    <status>See Note 4</status>
  next total...
next meter...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the totals for a meter 123456789, between two dates.


(Note: key names are case sensitive)
a comma delimited string of key3 IDs. Optional
startStart range of initialization dates.
endEnd range of initialization dates in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM". Optional
Key1 (optional)Filter on meter's Key1. (where % is the wild card, this must be URL-Encoded with %25, e.g. Key1=%25loc%25) Optional
Key2 (optional)Filter on meter's Key2. Optional
DescriptionGet all the Fault Logs for one or more meters, between two dates.
Return on success
  <name>Name of meter</name>
    <faultid>Unique ID of fault</faultid>
    <init_date>Create date of Fault.</init_date>
    <initiator>Login of person that created the fault, followed by double colon, and then the first and last name</initiator>
    <cnumber>ID of linked Meter Account, if any</cnumber>
    <symptom>Free form description of symptom.</symptom>
    <technician>Login of technician assigned to fault, followed by double colon, and then the first and last name</technician>
    <finding>Free form description of finding</finding>
    <responsible>Login of person responsible to sort out fault, followed by double colon, and then the first and last name</responsible>
    <action>Free form description of action to take</action>
    <clear_date>Date Fault was cleared, or null</clear_date>
    <cleared>Y if fault has been cleared</cleared>
    <jobnum>Job number, or blank if none</jobnum>
  next fault...
next meter...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the faults for all meters from 2010-08-14.


Input xml
  <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
  <faultid>blank for new, or the ID of the fault to update</faultid>
  <initiator>login of person that made the fault, cannot be blank</initiator>
  <cnumber>ID of Meter Account</cnumber>
  <symptom>Free form description of sympton</symptom>
  <technician>full login of technician assigned, or blank for none</technician>
  <finding>Free form description of finding</finding>
  <responsible>full login of person responsible for following up on this fault, or blank for none</responsible>
  <action>Free form description of action</action>
  <cleared>Y if cleared</cleared>
  <clear_date>if cleared Y, then this is the date it was cleared</clear_date>
  <toinvoice>Y if this is to invoice for</toinvoice>
  <newwork>Y if new work</newwork>
  <jobnum>the job number or blank if none</jobnum>
DescriptionLog a Fault against a meter, or update a fault
Return on success
    <faultid>id of fault added</faultid>
    <serial>serial number</serial>
  </fault> fault
Return on failure <xml> <fault> <faultid>id of fault added</faultid> <serial>serial number</serial> <result>ERROR:[reason]</result> </fault> fault </xml>
ExamplePut a fault for meter 0123210
e.g.<xml><fault><serial>0123210</serial><faultid></faultid><initiator>testme.user1</initiator><cnumber>2228</cnumber><symptom>sympton</symptom><technician>testme.user2</technician><finding>finding</finding><responsible>testme.user3</responsible><action>action</action><cleared>Y</cleared><clear_date>2020-11-23 16:57:55</clear_date><toinvoice>Y</toinvoice><newwork>Y</newwork><jobnum>123</jobnum></fault></xml>


PageToDothis is the web page that should be executed as a web-service
doPageSubmit(optional) set to "1" to first get the page values, and then submit with those values. This allows you to only change one value on an edit page.
DescriptionExecute a web-page as a web-service.
Return on success
    <value>The value of the input submitted by the form.</value>
    <flag>"checked" for checkboxes</flag>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExamplePlease note that with the above method, you set everything on the Meter Details screen.
It is almost like pushing the submit button at the bottom of the screen.
The result of the page is XML with all variables in the page's form.
To change only the ZONE on Edit->Meter Details to TESTZONE


eidid of meter account (can also specify key1, key2 or key3)
startdatethis is the FROM date and time for the bill
enddatethis is the TO date and time for the bill
TGIDX (optional)this is configured tariff to use. Index 0 is the default tariff. Other options would typicall be 1, 2,... etc.
Teid (optional)the entity id of the configured tariff to use
Tkey1 (optional)the key1 of the configured tariff to use
published (optional)P for provisional bills (the default), N for not published monthly bills, Y for published monthly bills, and C for captured bills
documentdate (optional)When you run a provisional bill, you can use this to determine the invoice date, which can affect things like which VAT rate is applicable, for instance
tariffdate (optional)If you want to see what your last month would have cost you in next month's tariff, then enter last month's start and end as above, but enter a date within next month in this field.
DescriptionGet the provisional bill for one meter account between two dates for the specified tariff.
Return on success
 <startdate>Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)</startdate>
 <enddate>End Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)</enddate>
 <key1>Meter Account id</key1>
 <key2>Meter Account description</key2>
 <util>Utility of account, e.g. Electricity or Water</util>
 <currency>Currency Symbol of Bill</currency>
 <align>Is the symbol pre-pended or post-pended to the amount?</align>
 <tariff>the name of the tariff that was used</tariff>
 <taxtype>the description of the tax to add, e.g. VAT</taxtype>
 <taxperc>the percentage of the tax to add</taxperc>
 <items> amount of li items in bill</items>
   <tname> Description of tariff line item</tname>
   <desc1> Description 1 of bill line item</desc1>
   <desc2> Description 2 of bill line item</desc2>
   <units> Quantity of units that is billed in this line</units>
   <rate> Price per unit</rate>
   <amount> Total amount (units multiplied by rate)</amount>
   <unitsunit> The unit in which this item is measured, e.g. kWh, kl, etc.</unitsunit>
   <type> An indication of what type of algorithm was followed to calculate the amount of this item</type>
   <compareId> this is used to be able to compare similar line item fields accross months, e.g. Peak (LS) and Peak (HS)</compareId>
   <tarifflineid> this is a unique identifier per tariff line item</tarifflineid>
  ... next li ...
   <snumber>This is the meter serial number</snumber>
   <mtype>This is the meter type</mtype>
    <date>date of the start reading for this meter for this bill</date>
    <E1>Total Energy reading (Active import - this is the default of most meters) kWh</E1>
    <E2>Total Reverse Active Energy reading (this is left out if zero)</E2>
    <F1>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 1 - forward lagging) (this is left out if zero) kvarh</F1>
    <F2>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 2 - reverse leading) (this is left out if zero)</F2>
    <F3>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 3 - reverse lagging) (this is left out if zero)</F3>
    <F4>Total Reactive Energy reading (Quadrant 4 - forward leading) (this is left out if zero)</F4>
    .. alternatively, if for example water, this could be ..
    <W1>Total Water reading (kl)</W1>
   <end>The end reading... follows the same format as the start reading</end>
  ... next meter reading (mr) ...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
Examplefor a meter account with ID 10469 using default tariff for the date 2015-03-01 to 2015-04-01


eidid of meter account (can also specify key1, key2 or key3)
startdatethis is the FROM date and time for the bill
enddatethis is the TO date and time for the bill (optional)
DescriptionIf enddate is not specified, returns a list of all the dates for which there are bill for this meter account.
Alternatively, returns the monthly bill for one meter account between two dates.
Return on success (no enddate specified)
  <result>Pls Specify startdate and enddate</result>
  <key1>Meter Account id</key1>
  <key2>Meter Account Name</key2>
  <util>Utility of account, e.g. Electricity or Water</util>
      <startdate>Start Date of Bill Run (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm)</startdate>
      <enddate>End Date of Bill Run (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm)</enddate>
    ... repeated for each bill run
Return on success (enddate specified)
  <startdate>Start Date of Bill Run (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm)</startdate>
  <enddate>End Date of Bill Run (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm)</enddate>
  <key1>Meter Account id</key1>
  <key2>Meter Account Name</key2>
  <util>Utility of account, e.g. Electricity or Water</util>
  <brid>Bill Run ID</brid>
  <currency>Currency Symbol of Bill</currency>
  <align>Is the symbol pre-pended or post-pended to the amount?</align>
  <tariff>the name of the tariff that was used</tariff>
  <taxtype>the description of the tax to add, e.g. VAT</taxtype>
  <taxperc>the percentage of the tax to add</taxperc>
  <currency_decimals>is the amount of decimals in the currency, e.g. usually 2 for cents</currency_decimals>
  <items>amount of li items in bill</items>
      <tname>Description of tariff line item</tname>
      <desc1>Description 1 of bill line item</desc1>
      <desc2> Description 2 of bill line item</desc2>
      <units>Quantity of units that is billed in this line</units>
      <rate>Price per unit</rate>
      <amount>Total amount (units multiplied by rate)</amount>
      <unitsunit>The unit in which this item is measured, e.g. kWh, kl, etc.</unitsunit>
      <type>An indication of what type of algorithm was followed to calculate the amount of this item</type>
      <compareId>this is used to be able to compare similar line item fields accross months, e.g. Peak (LS) and Peak (HS)</compareId>
    ... more per bill line item
      <snumber>Serial of Meter</snumber>
      <mtype>This is the meter type</mtype>
        <date>Start date</date>
        <E1>Total Energy reading and unit at time of bill start (Active import - this is the default of most meters)</E1>
        <F1>Total Reactive Energy reading and unit at time of bill start (Quadrant 1 - forward lagging) (this is left out if zero)</F1>
        <date>End date</date>
        <E1>Total Energy reading and unit at time of bill end (Active import - this is the default of most meters)</E1>
        <F1>Total Reactive Energy reading and unit at time of bill end (Quadrant 1 - forward lagging) (this is left out if zero)</F1>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
Examplefor a meter account with ID 10469 for the date 2015-03-01 to 2015-04-01


eidid of entity (can also specify key1, key2 or key3).
DescriptionCurrently only Meter Accounts, Tariffs and Meters are supported, and the return is different between them. Returns information about each entity.
Return on success (Meter Account)
 <id>They key1 of the Meter Account</id>
 <name>They key2 of the Meter Account</name>
 <utility>The utility of the Meter Account, e.g. Electricity or Water</utility>
    <eid>Entity id of meter in meter account</eid>
    <key1>key1 of meter (the serial number)</key1>
    <key2>key2 of meter (the use defined name)</key2>
    <portion>multiplier, e.g. 1 or -1 or 0.3</portion>
  ... next meter ...
 <meterlen>The quantity of meters in this meter account</meterlen>
    <eid>Entity id of tariff</eid>
    <key1>key1 of tariff (the id)</key1>
    <key2>key2 of tariff (the name)</key2>
    <tgidx>The tariff option number. Option 0 is the default tariff for this meter account, used for monthly bills. The others can be used for Provisional Bills, but not for Monthly Bills.</tgidx>
  ... next tariff ...
 <tarifflen>The quantity of tariffs configured for this meter account</tarifflen>
Return on success (Ledger)
 <id>They key1 of the Ledger</id>
 <name>They key2 of the Ledger</name>
 <date_of_last_transaction>Date of last transaction</date_of_last_transaction>
 <balance>Current balance of the ledger multiplied by 100000.</balance>
Return on success (Tariff)
 <id>The key1 of the tariff</id>
 <name>The key2 (name) of the tariff</name>
 <utility>The utility of the tariff, e.g. Electricity or Water</utility>
 <vfrom>Valid From date. If this is null, it has not been validated</vfrom>
 <vto>Valid To date. If this is null, it has not been validated</vto>
 <certifiedby>Indication of who validated this tariff</certifiedby>
 <certifiedon>When was it validated?</certifiedon>
 <taxtype>What is the name of the tax, e.g. VAT</taxtype>
 <taxperc>What is the percentage of the tax levied</taxperc>
 <currency>What is the currency symbol</currency>
 <currency_align>PRE or POST: is the currency symbol written before or after the amount</currency_align>
 <currency_decimals>is the amount of decimals in the currency, e.g. usually 100 for cents</currency_decimals>
   <eid>Entity id of a calendar that is referred to by the tariff. For these relationships to be set up correctly, the tariff should be validated first.</eid>
   <key1>key1 of calendar (id)</key1>
   <key2>key2 of calendar (name)</key2>
     <touid>Unique Time of Use ID for a specific tariff rate period in this calendar. This is unique over all calendars per server.</touid>
     <descr>Human readable description of the time of use tariff rate period</descr>
    ... next tourateperiod ...
   <tourateperiodlen>the amount of tourateperiods in this calendar</tourateperiodlen>
  ... next calendar ...
 <calendarlen>the amount of calendars in this tariff</calendarlen>
   <tarifflineid>unique id for a specific line item on the tariff. This ties up with the field of the same name in getProvisionalBill.jsp</tarifflineid>
   <descr>The tariff line item description</descr>
   <type>Indication of the type of algorithm followed to calculate this line item</type>
   <compareId>Sometimes different tarifflineitems should be compared to each other for statistical comparisons accross seasons, e.g. between Peak (HS) and Peak (LS). Although their tarifflineid would be different, their compareId would be the same.</compareId>
   <color>This is an RGB value</color>
   <touid>If this is a Time Of Use tariff line item, the touid will be specified here. This can be cross referenced to touid in the calendars element.</touid>
  ... next tariff line item (li) ...
 <lineitemlen>the amount of line items in this tariff</lineitemlen>
Return on success (Meter)
 <serialnumber>meter serial</serialnumber>
 <name>user defined meter name</name>
 <ctprim>CT primary value</ctprim>
 <ctsec>CT secondary value</ctsec>
 <vtprim>VT primary</vtprim>
 <vtsec>VT secondary</vtsec>
 <fullload>Breaker Size</fullload>
 <wires>Single Phase: 2 Wires, 3 Phase: Normally 4 Wires, sometimes 3 wires</wires>
 <place>Address 1 Freefrom</place>
 <site>Address 2 Freefrom</site>
 <zone>Address 3 Freefrom</zone>
 <primarymetering>If Y (default) we take the readings from the meter as is, if N, we apply CT and VT ratios by modifying UPP and PPU</primarymetering>
 <units_per_pulse>Number of kWh/kvarh/liters per pulse</units_per_pulse>
 <pulses_per_unit>Number of pulses per kWh/kvarh/liter</pulses_per_unit>
 <commissioned>Y/N is meter commisioned</commissioned>
 <disabled>Y/N is meter disabled</disabled>
 <password>The password for the meter, blank if the meter's default password is to be used</password>
 <comdate>Date the meter was installed/commissioned</comdate>
 <maxdate>The last profile data we have for the meter</maxdate>
 <maxdatenonzero>The last profile data we have for the meter that is not zero</maxdatenonzero>
 <maxdatenoninterp>The last profile data we have for the meter that was not interpolated. You can derive/inerpolate profile from totals, but it is not always useful profile.</maxdatenoninterp>
 <manualonly>Y/N is meter read manually only</manualonly>
 <type>Type of meter</type>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Eids(optional): comma delimited entity IDs of entities to get. If left out, it gets all the entities
cid(optional): Restricts returned entities to entities of this class.
iidcid (optional): Restricts returned entities to entities of this interface.
Key2cid (optional): Restricts returned entities to entities of this Key2. Can use SQL wildcards.
DescriptionCurrently only Meter Accounts, Tariffs and Meters are supported, and the return is different between them. Returns information about each entity.
Return on success (Meter Account)
 <id>They key1 of the Meter Account</id>
 <name>They key2 of the Meter Account</name>
 <utility>The utility of the Meter Account, e.g. Electricity or Water</utility>
    <eid>Entity id of meter in meter account</eid>
    <key1>key1 of meter (the serial number)</key1>
    <key2>key2 of meter (the use defined name)</key2>
    <portion>multiplier, e.g. 1 or -1 or 0.3</portion>
      <eid>ID of Meter Account linked to meter</eid>
      <key1>Meter Account key</key1>
      <key2>Meter Account Name</key2>
      <accountnumber>Meter Account number</accountnumber>
    ... next meter account ...
  ... next meter ...
 <meterlen>The quantity of meters in this meter account</meterlen>
    <eid>Entity id of tariff</eid>
    <key1>key1 of tariff (the id)</key1>
    <key2>key2 of tariff (the name)</key2>
    <tgidx>The tariff option number. Option 0 is the default tariff for this meter account, used for monthly bills. The others can be used for Provisional Bills, but not for Monthly Bills.</tgidx>
  ... next tariff ...
 <tarifflen>The quantity of tariffs configured for this meter account</tarifflen>
Return on success (Ledger)
 <id>They key1 of the Ledger</id>
 <name>They key2 of the Ledger</name>
 <date_of_last_transaction>Date of last transaction</date_of_last_transaction>
 <balance>Current balance of the ledger multiplied by 100000.</balance>
 </entity> entity...
Return on success (Tariff)
 <id>The key1 of the tariff</id>
 <name>The key2 (name) of the tariff</name>
 <utility>The utility of the tariff, e.g. Electricity or Water</utility>
 <vfrom>Valid From date. If this is null, it has not been validated</vfrom>
 <vto>Valid To date. If this is null, it has not been validated</vto>
 <certifiedby>Indication of who validated this tariff</certifiedby>
 <certifiedon>When was it validated?</certifiedon>
 <taxtype>What is the name of the tax, e.g. VAT</taxtype>
 <taxperc>What is the percentage of the tax levied</taxperc>
 <currency>What is the currency symbol</currency>
 <currency_align>PRE or POST: is the currency symbol written before or after the amount</currency_align>
 <currency_decimals>is the amount of decimals in the currency, e.g. usually 100 for cents</currency_decimals>
   <eid>Entity id of a calendar that is referred to by the tariff. For these relationships to be set up correctly, the tariff should be validated first.</eid>
   <key1>key1 of calendar (id)</key1>
   <key2>key2 of calendar (name)</key2>
     <touid>Unique Time of Use ID for a specific tariff rate period in this calendar. This is unique over all calendars per server.</touid>
     <descr>Human readable description of the time of use tariff rate period</descr>
    ... next tourateperiod ...
   <tourateperiodlen>the amount of tourateperiods in this calendar</tourateperiodlen>
  ... next calendar ...
 <calendarlen>the amount of calendars in this tariff</calendarlen>
   <tarifflineid>unique id for a specific line item on the tariff. This ties up with the field of the same name in getProvisionalBill.jsp</tarifflineid>
   <descr>The tariff line item description</descr>
   <type>Indication of the type of algorithm followed to calculate this line item</type>
   <compareId>Sometimes different tarifflineitems should be compared to each other for statistical comparisons accross seasons, e.g. between Peak (HS) and Peak (LS). Although their tarifflineid would be different, their compareId would be the same.</compareId>
   <color>This is an RGB value</color>
   <touid>If this is a Time Of Use tariff line item, the touid will be specified here. This can be cross referenced to touid in the calendars element.</touid>
  ... next tariff line item (li) ...
 <lineitemlen>the amount of line items in this tariff</lineitemlen>
  <id>Period ID</id>
  <from>Period From Date</from>
  <to>Period End Date</to>
  <tarifflineid>Tariff Line Item ID</tarifflineid>
  <periodid>Tariff Period ID</periodid>
  <value>Rate in rands (or percent for discount line items)</value>
Return on success (Meter)
 <serialnumber>meter serial</serialnumber>
 <name>user defined meter name</name>
 <ctprim>CT primary value</ctprim>
 <ctsec>CT secondary value</ctsec>
 <vtprim>VT primary</vtprim>
 <vtsec>VT secondary</vtsec>
 <fullload>Breaker Size</fullload>
 <wires>Single Phase: 2 Wires, 3 Phase: Normally 4 Wires, sometimes 3 wires</wires>
 <place>Address 1 Freefrom</place>
 <site>Address 2 Freefrom</site>
 <zone>Address 3 Freefrom</zone>
 <primarymetering>If Y (default) we take the readings from the meter as is, if N, we apply CT and VT ratios by modifying UPP and PPU</primarymetering>
 <units_per_pulse>Number of kWh/kvarh/liters per pulse</units_per_pulse>
 <pulses_per_unit>Number of pulses per kWh/kvarh/liter</pulses_per_unit>
 <commissioned>Y/N is meter commisioned</commissioned>
 <disabled>Y/N is meter disabled</disabled>
 <password>The password for the meter, blank if the meter's default password is to be used</password>
 <comdate>Date the meter was installed/commissioned</comdate>
 <maxdate>The last profile data we have for the meter</maxdate>
 <maxdatenonzero>The last profile data we have for the meter that is not zero</maxdatenonzero>
 <maxdatenoninterp>The last profile data we have for the meter that was not interpolated. You can derive/inerpolate profile from totals, but it is not always useful profile.</maxdatenoninterp>
 <manualonly>Y/N is meter read manually only</manualonly>
 <type>Type of meter</type>
Return on success (Organization)
 <id>Same as the key1</id>
 <adminid>Id of role that administrates this organization</adminid>
 <postaladdrl1>Postal Address line 1</postaladdrl1>
 <postaladdrl2>Postal Address line 2</postaladdrl2>
 <city>CityPostal </city>
 <province>Postal Province</province>
 <postalcode>Postal Code</postalcode>
 <country>e.g. ZA</country>
 <telephonenumberdial>e.g. 27</telephonenumberdial>
 <telephonenumber>Telephone number</telephonenumber>
 <faxnumber>Fax number</faxnumber>
 <streetaddr>Physical Street Address</streetaddr>
 <vatnumber>VAT number</vatnumber>
 <subdomain>Subdomain that is pre-pended to e.g. sdg. (This is also used to determine the banner on the login page)</subdomain>
 <timezone>e.g. Africa/Johannesburg</timezone>
 <deleted>N if this Organization has been deleted</deleted>
 <hasbanner>N if this Organization has it's own banner</hasbanner>
 <decimaldelimeter>e.g. .</decimaldelimeter>
 <thousandsdelimeter>e.g. [empty]</thousandsdelimeter>
 <unitsdelimeter>e.g. [empty]</unitsdelimeter>
 <domainserver>Main Server (if you have multiple servers)</domainserver>
 <bill_companyname/>Company to bill</bill_companyname>
 <bill_email/>billing email address</bill_email>
 <bill_email2/>second billing email</bill_email2>
 <adderorg>Id of org that added this organization</adderorg>
Return on success (Login Account)
 <id>ID of this login</id>
 <firstname>First name</firstname>
 <lastname>Last name</lastname>
 <email>email address</email>
 <cellphone>Cellphone number</cellphone>
 <login>login name with subdomain. e.g. sdg.joe</login>
 <cellphonedial>e.g. 27</cellphonedial>
 <emailcontactme>Y if we can contact this person at this email address</emailcontactme>
 <verified>Y when the login has been verified (used mainly for first time top level organization registration)</verified>
 <deleted>Y if deleted</deleted>
 <inwiki>Not used anymore</inwiki>
 <j2meon>Not used anymore</j2meon>
 <pwddate>Date of last password change</pwddate>
 <oldmenu>Y if the old menu is used on this login</oldmenu>
Return on success (Role)
 <id>Same as key1</id>
 <orgid>Key1 of organization</orgid>
 <rolename>Name of role</rolename>
 <addrestricted>Y if this role is restricted to which entities it may add</addrestricted>
 <interfrestricted>Y if this role is restricted to which screens it may access</interfrestricted>
 <entrestricted>Y if this role is restricted to which entities it may see in it's organization</entrestricted>
 <globl>e.g. Y</globl>
 <deleted>Y if deleted</deleted>
 <startpage>First screen after login, or null for overview screen</startpage>
 <pagrestricted>Y if restricted to which pages this role may access</pagrestricted>
 <smsdelay>e.g. 30</smsdelay>
 <emaildelay>e.g. 30</emaildelay>
 <smsdaystart>e.g. 7</smsdaystart>
 <emaildaystart>e.g. 0</emaildaystart>
 <smsdayend>e.g. 20</smsdayend>
 <emaildayend>e.g. 24</emaildayend>
 <smslimit>e.g. 10</smslimit>
 <emaillimit>e.g. 10</emaillimit>
 <smsatnight>Y if SMSes are to be sent at night</smsatnight>
 <emailatnight>Y if emails are to be sent at night</emailatnight>
 <custommenu>Customer Menu eid</custommenu>
 <smsparms>CommunitySMS login details or name of SMS connector</smsparms>
 <pwdregexp>Password expiry e.g. .*</pwdregexp>
 <pwddays>Password expiry e.g. 40000</pwddays>
 <pwdgracedays>Password expiry e.g. 0</pwdgracedays>
 <pwddescr>Password expiry e.g. Please specify a valid password</pwddescr>
 <lid>Ledger to charge for SMSes.</lid>
 <price>Price per SMS e.g. 0</price>
 <freesmspermonth>Number of free SMSs per month. e.g. 0</freesmspermonth>
Return on success (Meter Account Group)
   <id>ID of Role</id>
   <descr>Descript of Role</descr>
   <tenant>Y if this role is under a tenant (as opposed to being a main incomer)</tenant>
  ...more roles
   <id>entity id of meter account</id>
   <meter_account_id>id of meter account</meter_account_id>
   <roleid>role of this account</roleid>
  ...more accounts
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Gets a list of all meters in this account
Return on success
 <len>Number of entities returned</len>
 <id>eid of the meter</id>
 <cid>id of the meter's class</cid>
 <key1>The meter's serial</key1>
 more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


eidentity id of calendar. This is not the same as the calendar id. (can also specify key1, key2 or key3)
fromthis is the FROM date and time for the TOU dump
tothis is the TO date and time for the TOU dump
doallpass true in here to get the same period multiple times if more than one TOUID exist for it. This is relevant e.g. in the case where the TOUID of the period without season also exists.
multipass true in here to get all the TOUIDs in this calendar per period. This is relevant e.g. in the case where the TOUID of the period without season also exists.
Return on success
 <id>The key1 of the calendar (id)</id>
 <name>The key2 of the calendar</name>
 <certified>Has this calendar been certified, i.e. populated correctly in the database? Y/N</certified>
 <certifiedby>Indication of who certified it</certifiedby>
 <certifiedfrom>from when is the calendar valid</certifiedfrom>
 <certifiedto>until when is the calendar valid</certifiedto>
 <certifiedon>when was it certified?</certifiedon>
 <timezone>Time Zone of the calendar</timezone>
 <ignoredst>Should daylight savings time - if applicable to the time zone - be ignored?</ignoredst>
   <ts>time stamp of period in calendar</ts>
   <touid>Time of Use unique id for that period</touid>
  ... next period in time range (li) ...
 <periodlen>amount of periods in the calendar for the selected time range</periodlen>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Gets meter phasors
Key3 (optional)
(Note: key names are case sensitive)
a comma delimited string of key3 IDs
startdateThe start date of the phasors (If omitted, defaults to the enddate - 24 hours)
enddateThe end date of the phasors in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". The "HH:MM:SS" part is optional
Key1 (optional)Filter on meter's Key1. (where % is the wild card, this must be URL-Encoded with %25, e.g. Key1=%25loc%25)
Key2 (optional)Filter on meter's Key2
pk1 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key1, e.g. a SIM card number. SQL wildcards supported.
pk2 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key2, e.g. a phone number. SQL wildcards supported.
place (optional)Filter on meter's place
site (optional)Filter on meter's site
zone (optional)Filter on meter's zone
commissioned (optional) yes/no/all. Default is 'yes'. If yes, only considers meters where the commissioned flag in the Meter Details has been set on.e.g. commissioned=all
Return on success
  <date>the last profile date</date>
      <cid>Class ID</cid>
      <primary>if primary metering "Y", else "N"</primary>
      <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
      <key2>Meter's user defined name</key2>
      <key3>Meter's Key3 (which may be null)</key3>
            <Iangle>current angle</Iangle>
            <Vangle>voltage angle</Vangle>
            <S>Apparent Energy kVA</S>
            <P>Active Energy kW</P>
            <Q>Reactive Energy kvar</Q>
            <pf>Power Factor</pf>
            <lead_lag>leading or lagging</lead_lag>
            <Iangle>current angle</Iangle>
            <Vangle>voltage angle</Vangle>
            <S>Apparent Energy kVA</S>
            <P>Active Energy kW</P>
            <Q>Reactive Energy kvar</Q>
            <pf>Power Factor</pf>
            <lead_lag>leading or lagging</lead_lag>
            <Iangle>current angle</Iangle>
            <Vangle>voltage angle</Vangle>
            <S>Apparent Energy kVA</S>
            <P>Active Energy kW</P>
            <Q>Reactive Energy kvar</Q>
            <pf>Power Factor</pf>
            <lead_lag>leading or lagging</lead_lag>
            <Iangle>Current Angle</Iangle>
            <S>Apparent Energy kVA</S>
            <P>Active Energy kW</P>
            <Q>Reactive Energy kvar</Q>
            <pf>Power Factor</pf>
            <lead_lag>leading or lagging</lead_lag>
        </TimeItem> time item...
    </meter> meter...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the phasor for multiple meters, during 2 dates.


Gets number of meters online and offline
mag_idMeter Account Group's entity ID
Return on success
  <meters_online>Number Of Meters Online since yesterday. Excluding Uncommissioned and manual meters.</meters_online>
  <meters_offline>Number Of Meters Offline</meters_offline>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet number of meters online and offline


Gets events for a specific BMSRTU
seriala comma separated list of serials of the BMSRTUs
startdateStart date of events
enddateEnd date of events
Return on success
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the time spent in bypass for each bmsrtu relay


Gets the meta information that makes up a specific instrumentation-profile
Inputeid: Entity ID
Inputkey1: First/System name (meter serial)
Inputkey2: Second/User name
Inputcid: Class ID
Inputphone: Phone number. See Note 2
Return on success
    <serial>meter's serial e.g. ICP0000</serial>
    <id>meter's entity ID e.g. 4763</id>
      <id>instrumentation profile's ID e.g. 145</id>
      <cust_name>instrumentation profile's custom name in the context of this meter e.g. Heat</cust_name>
        <id>first column in the instrumentation profile's ID e.g. 1203</id>
        <unit>unit of this column e.g. Celcius</unit>
        <description>standard description for this column e.g. Temperature Channel 0</description>
        <color>color on graph for this column in RRGGBB when converted to hex e.g. 16646144</color>
        <unitgraph>0=this value can not be graphed, 1=this value can be graphed</unitgraph>
        <custom_desc>custom description for this column in the context of this meter e.g. Cold</custom_desc>
      more columns ...
    more vsets...
  more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the description of an instrumentation profile set


Gets the instrumentation profile
startdateThe oldest date from where to return profile values. See Note 3
enddateThe youngest date from where to return profile values. See Note 3
vsetID of the vset (see vsetInfo.jsp). Optional
registerThe name of the register to get e.g. 'Credit'. Optional
eidEntity ID
key1First/System name (meter serial)
key2Second/User name
cidClass ID
phonePhone number. See Note 2
Return on success
  <serial>meter's serial e.g. ICP0000</serial>
  <id>meter's entity ID e.g. 4763</id>
    <date>date and time of the reading e.g. 2012-08-14 00:05:00</date>
    <val>value of the reading e.g. 26.46</val>
    <id>vset column id (see vsetInfo.jsp) e.g. 1205</id>
  next columns and dates...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the instrumentation profile


Gets information about a ledger
quickbalance(optional) only for DirectDeposit Payment facility enabled Ledgers, if you want a super quick balance web call, pass in your account reference, e.g. WDERAQHN. Returns in 100/ths of the currency, e.g. cents. By the way, you do not currently need to pass in a login and password to access this function.
cellphonemust specify, only if quickbalance is specified
startdate(not used if quickbalance was specified) The oldest date from where to return transactions. See Note 3
enddate(not used if quickbalance was specified)The youngest date from where to return transactions. See Note 3
eidEntity ID (ledger or meter or meter account). Only one of this and the following parameters need to be specified, in order to uniquely identify the ledger:
key1First/System name (ledger id) (this can also be the meter serial number)
key2Second/Ledger name
ANUMBERMeter Account Account Number (the configured account number in Edit Meter Account)
SerialThe associated meter serial number
pay(optional, use with payment) true - use this to do a payment
amt(required with payment) the amount to pay in, e.g. 50.00 for R50, for example
tpe(required with payment) R for Receipt, I for Invoice
desc(required with payment) Description of transaction
RequestIDoptional, for getting a list of transaction or specifying a payment. Guard against duplicates
billingstart(optional) Filter on transactions with this billing start
billingend(optional) Filter on transactions with this billing end
Return on success
if quickbalance was specified:

  <eid>Entity ID of Ledger</eid>
  <key1>key1 of Ledger</key1>
  <key2>user defined name of Ledger</key2>
  <odate>Opening Date of Ledger</odate>
  <obal>Opening balance of Ledger</obal>
  <obalRAW>Opening balance of Ledger without formatting</obalRAW>
  <cbal>Current Balance</cbal>
  <cbalRAW>Current Balance without formatting</cbalRAW>
  <hasprepaid>true if linked to a prepaid facility, false otherwise</hasprepaid>

when buying an STS token / garnish orders / debit orders:
	<gamtRAW>Garnish amount without formatting</gamtRAW>
	<gamt>Garnish amount</gamt>
	<damtRAW>Debit amount without formatting</damtRAW>
	<damt>Debit amount</damt>
  <tamtRAW>Token cost without formatting</tamtRAW>
  <tamt>Token cost</tamt>
  <token>20 digit token</token>
  <tdescr>transaction description</tdescr>

per prepaid facility:
    <eid>Entity ID of n-th Prepaid Facility linked to ledger</eid>
    <key1>key1 of Prepaid Facility</key1>
    <key2>User defined name of Prepaid Facility</key2>
    <eid>Entity ID of Breaker linked to previous Prepaid Facility</eid>
    <key1>key1 of Breaker</key1>
    <key2>User defined name of Breaker</key2>
    <state>Current state, (Switched on/Switched off)</state>
    <date>Date of last state change</date>
    <eid>Entity ID of Meter Account linked to previous Prepaid Facility</eid>
    <key1>key1 of Meter Account</key1>
    <key2>User defined name of Meter Account</key2>
    <eid>Entity ID of default Tariff linked to previous Meter Account</eid>
    <key1>key1 of tariff</key1>
    <key2>User defined tariff name</key2>
  ... (more [prepaid facility,breaker,meteraccount,tariff] - combos, if any)

  <hastrans>true if there are transactions returned in this request, false if there are no transactions returned in this request (dependant on start and end date)</hastrans>

if transactions available:
    <partialtrans>true if transactions from the begging is returned, false if the first transaction in not returned</partialtrans>
    <startdate>Start date and time of transactions returned</startdate>
    <enddate>End date and time of transaction returned</enddate>
    <obal>Opening Balance at start date</obal>
    <obalRAW>Opening Balance without formatting</obalRAW>
    <cbal>Current balance as end date</cbal>
    <cbalRAW>Current balance without formatting</cbalRAW>

per transaction:
        <num>Sequence number of the transaction (starts from 0 per ledger)</num>
        <tdate>Date of transaction</tdate>
        <amt>Unformatted amount of transaction</amt>
        <descr>Description of transaction (text filled in by user or billing engine)</descr>
        <tpe>C=Credit Note ; D=Debit Note ; R=Receipt ; I=Invoice</tpe>
      ... (more transactions if available)

Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the ledger state and transactions from 2015-05-01 to 2015-05-23 for ledger with eid 577


ANUMBEROptional. Find meter account by account number
CNUMBEROptional. Find meter account by automatically assigned number
LNUMBEROptional. Find meter account by lot number
STANDNUMBEROptional. Find meter account by stand number
REGIONOptional. Find meter account by region number
Return on success
 <id>eid of the meter account</id>
 <cnumber>Automatically assigned unique Meter Account ID</cnumber>
 <cname>Account Name</cname>
 <anumber>Account Number</anumber>
 <lnumbernme>Name for Lot Number (defaults to Lot Number)</lnumbernme>
 <lnumber>Lot Number</lnumber>
 <standnumbernme>Name for Stand Number (defaults to Stand Number)</standnumbernme>
 <standnumber>Stand Number</standnumber>
 <regionnme>Name for region (defaults to Region)</regionnme>
  <eid>Entity ID of Tariff</eid>
  <option>0 for default tariff, used for billing, the others are used for recons and comparisons</option>
  <tariffcode>Tariff Code</tariffcode>
  <tariffname>Tariff Name</tariffname>
  .. more tariffs
  <eid>Entity ID of Meter</eid>
  <serial>Meter's Serial</serial>
  <portion>Portion to which this meter contributes to this meter account's usage</portion>
  ...more meters
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


key1tsOptional. Comma delimited list of meters serial numbers, but after every serial number must be space and a timestamp in SQL format FROM when to retrieve the profile. If this is NOT specified, it returns the last 2 days of profile - if available - for ALL meters of meter types that has profile, visible to this user. New Addition: you can specify a second timestamp after a second space, which will be treated as the TO timestamp up to which to return profile.
Return on success
 <len>Number of entities returned</len>
 <meterresult>SUCCESS or ERROR: No New Readings</meterresult>
 (and if success:)
 <key1>The meter's serial</key1>
 <period>energy minutes in one period</period>
 <reading><ts>YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (period end)</ts>
 <kWh>kWh used in this period</kWh>
 <kVAh>kVAh in this period</kVAh>
 <kvarh>kvarh in this period</kvarh>
 (not used yet:)<pf></pf><pf1></pf1><pf2></pf2><pf3></pf3><V1></V1><V2></V2><V3></V3>
 <P2>Reverse kWh in this period</P2>
 more readings...
 more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Return on success
 <len>Number of entities returned</len>
 <id>eid of the meter</id>
 <cid>id of the meter's class</cid>
 <key1>The meter's serial</key1>
 more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Return on success
 <len>Number of entities returned</len>
 <id>eid of the meter</id>
 <cid>id of the meter's class</cid>
 <key1>The meter's serial</key1>
 more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Return on success
 <len>Number of entities returned</len>
 <id>eid of the meter</id>
 <cid>id of the meter's class</cid>
 <key1>The meter's serial</key1>
 more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>


Gets all events for a specific meter between 2 dates.
Note that because events are ranges in themself, the start end date range you specify will return any events that span even the littlest range of what you have specified.
PNPSCADA Events Documentation
Inputstartdate:The oldest date from where to return events. See Note 3
Inputenddate:The youngest date from where to return events. See Note 3
Inputsince:The last time you asked for events. Return events read since this date. This overrides start/enddate
Inputeid: Entity ID
Inputkey1: First/System name
Inputkey2: Second/User name
Inputeclassid: (optional) Event Category id
Inputeventids: (optional) Specific Event id
Inputdshort: (optional) Display short event description if specified
Inputdlong: (optional) Display long event description if specified
Inputdclasss: (optional) Display short event class description if specified
Inputdclassl: (optional) Display long event class description if specified
Return on success
    <serial>Meter's Serial</serial>
    <name>Meter's Name</name>
        <class_id>Event Class ID</class_id>
        <event_id>Event Type ID</event_id>
        <phase>A/B/C or Space for all or n/a</phase>
        <start_date>Event Start Date</start_date>
        <end_date>Event End Date</end_date>
        <value>Additional values or comments logged with the event</value>
        <reservation>N for no reservation, Y if there was a reservation logged against this event</reservation>
        <validated>N if the event has still not been cleared for billing purposes, Y if the event has been cleared</validated>
        <fault_id>ID of fault reservation</fault_id>
        <read_at>Time this event was read from the meter</read_at>
      </event> event
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet events for meter with serial 19535358 between since 2015-03-01


Gets all events for a specific meter between 2 dates.
Note that because events are ranges in themself, the start end date range you specify will return any events that span even the littlest range of what you have specified.
For this reason it is advised that you use the event type,start date,end date and meter serial to detect duplicates returned.
PNPSCADA Events Documentation
Return on success
      <id>Event Type ID</id>
      <class>Class ID</class>
      <desc>Description of event</desc>
      <short_desc>Short code for event</short_desc>
      <istimespan>Y for events that spans a time range, like power loss, N for events that are instantaneous like reprogram</istimespan>
      <isexternal>Y for events that do not come from the meter, like software or user logged events, N for events that come from the meter</isexternal>
      <invalidates>Y if it causes the meter's data to become invalid for billing purposes, N otherwise</invalidates>
      <id>Class ID</id>
      <desc>Description of class</desc>
      <short_desc>Short code for class</short_desc>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet event types


Send an STS code to a smart STS prepaid meter.
Inputeid:entity ID of meter (can also alternatively specify the serial number with key1)
Inputkey1:serial number of meter (can also alternatively specify the entity id with eid)
Inputsts20 digit STS code to send to meter (optional. empty if you just want to see the return of the last_attempt)
Inputretry:if sending an STS code failed (as opposed when sending STS code successfully but the meter rejects it), schedule a retry
Return on success
  <result>SUCCESS:success message</result>
    <date>Date of last token sent or none if there was no previous switch</date>
    <result>SUCCESS:success message or ERROR:error message</result>
Return on failure
  <result>ERROR:error message</result>
    <date>Date of last token sent or none if there was no previous switch</date>
    <result>SUCCESS:success message or ERROR:error message</result>
ExampleSend STS code 12345678901234567890 to meter with serial number 88088238


Switch a breaker
Inputeid:ID of breaker (required)
Inputaction:on/off/none, if omitted, defaults to none
Inputretry:if a switch failed, schedule a retry
Return on success
      <date>Date of last switch or none if there was no previous switch</date>
    <state>Switched on/off or none if there was no previous switch</state>
Return on failure (no retry)<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Not retrying</msg></xml>
Return on failure (retry)<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Switching Attempt Failed. Task scheduled to switch breaker on/off</msg></xml>
ExampleSwitch on breaker with ID 43293


Gets entity IDs of all calendars, tariffs, communication devices, SIM cards, and meters connected to the meter account.
These IDs can then be given to getEntitiesDetails.jsp to get specifics of each.
Inputeids:Comma separated list of entity IDs of meter accounts. If omitted, returns all visible meter accounts
Return on success
    <id>ID of meter account</id>
    <id>ID of tariff</id>
      <calendar_id>ID of Calendar (if any)</calendar_id>
    more tariffs...
      <id>ID of meter</id>
        <id>ID of Communication Device</id>
        <sim_id>ID of SIM card (if any)</sim_id>
      <breaker_id>ID of breaker</breaker_id>
      more breakers...
    more meters...
      <id>ID of Prepaid Facility</id>
      <ledger_id>ID of Ledger</ledger_id>
      <breaker_id>ID of Breaker (could be connected to a different breaker than what is on the meter)</breaker_id>
    more prepaid facilities...
  ... more meter accounts if specified
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Reason for failure</msg></xml>
ExampleGet all entities linked to Meter Accounts with entity IDs 9904 and 7512,7512


Put profile of a meter
Input setbackmaxdateset to y if you want to overwrite samples that is already there (or omit this value if you dont want to overwrite)
Input xml
  <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
      <date>End Date of this sample in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm. Profiles MUST be given in ascending order. Profile dated before last reading will be discarded</date>
      <P1>Active import (kWh). Does not count up. With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P1>
      <P2>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value after the multiplier</P2>
      <Q1>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not reclock.</Q1>
      <Q2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</Q2>
      <Q3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</Q3>
      <Q4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</Q4>
      <STATUS>See note 4</STATUS>
    more samples...
more meters...
Return on success
    <serial>Meter Serial</serial>
    <last_imported_date>Last imported date</last_imported_date>
    <max_date>Date meter is up to date to</max_date>
   [if there were errors:
      <error>Error 1</error>
      more errors...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Reason for failure</msg></xml>
ExamplePut reading for meter 111111178
curl --data "LOGIN=subdomain.testme&PWD=testme&xml=<xml><meter><serial>111111178</serial><profile><sample><date>2016-06-17 12:00</date><P1>1</P1><P2>2</P2><Q1>3</Q1><Q2>4</Q2><Q3>5</Q3><Q4>6</Q4><STATUS>0</STATUS></sample></profile></meter></xml>"


Put totals of a meter
Input setbackmaxdateset to y if you want to overwrite samples that is already there (or omit this value if you dont want to overwrite)
Input xml
  <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
      <date>End Date of this sample in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm. Totals MUST be given in ascending order. Totals dated before last reading will be discarded</date>
      <E1>Active import (kWh). Does not count up. With secondary metering this is the value before the multiplier</E1>
      <E2>Reactive energy register quadrant 1 (kvarh). Does not count up.</E2>
      <F1>Active export (kWh). With secondary metering this is the value before the multiplier</F1>
      <F2>Reactive energy register quadrant 2 (kvarh)</F2>
      <F3>Reactive energy register quadrant 3 (kvarh)</F3>
      <F4>Reactive energy register quadrant 4 (kvarh)</F4>
      <STATUS>See note 4</STATUS>
    more samples...
more meters...
Return on success
    <serial>Meter Serial</serial>
    <last_imported_date>Last imported date</last_imported_date>
    <max_date>Date meter is up to date to</max_date>
   [if there were errors:
      <error>Error 1</error>
      more errors...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Reason for failure</msg></xml>
ExamplePut total for meter 111111178
curl --data "LOGIN=subdomain.testme&PWD=testme&xml=<xml><meter><serial>111111178</serial><totals><sample><date>2016-06-17 12:00</date><E1>1</E1><E2>2</E2><F1>3</F1><F2>4</F2><F3>5</F3><F4>6</F4><STATUS>0</STATUS></sample></totals></meter></xml>"


Put events of a meter
Input xml
  <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
      <eventid>The id of the event. see:</eventid>
      <startdate>Start date of event (optional if end date is specified and a previous "unclosed" event exists)</startdate>
      <enddate>End date of event (optional if start date is specified)</enddate>
      <value>Optional: Additional Text Information</value>
      <phase>Optional: Phase of the event: A, B or C</phase>
      <file name="file.jpg">Optional: file attachment in base64. If you want to attach an image to a meter reading, use eventid 685 (Manual Meter Read) and the start date and time must be exactly the same as the total</file>
    more samples...
more meters...
Return on success
    <serial>Meter Serial</serial>
   [if there were errors:
      <error>Error 1</error>
      more errors...
  <events_processed>Number of events processed<events_processed>
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Reason for failure</msg></xml>
ExamplePut meter read event for meter 01234568 with image
curl --data "LOGIN=subdomain.testme&PWD=testme&xml=<xml><meter><serial>01234568</serial><events><sample><eventid>685</eventid><startdate>2018-02-14 13:00</startdate><file name=\"test.gif\">


Put instrumentation profile of a meter
Input xml
  <serial>Meter's serial</serial>
    <set>                           (instumentation profile sets are identified by the channels)
      <period>The period of the set in milliseconds. e.g. 1800000 for half hour. Use 0 for irregular intervals</period>
      <billing>Y if these values are used for billing (such as TOU off-peak register), N otherwise</billing>
        <name>name of this channel e.g. Voltage A</name>
        <phase>A,B,C or a space for all or not applicable</phase>
        <unit>unit of measurement e.g. kW,kvarh,kVA,m3,m³,DegC or °C</unit>
      more channels...
      <date>Date of this sample in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS e.g. 2019-02-22 10:57:43.000 Profile must be given in ascending order.</date>
      <channel>Channel value, numeric value. e.g. 23.01 If a channel does not have a value for this time, please leave empty</channel>
      more channels...              (channels must be given in the same order as in the set.)
    more samples...
more meters...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result><msg>Reason for failure</msg></xml>
ExamplePut instrumentation profile for meter
curl --data "LOGIN=subdomain.testme&PWD=testme&xml=<xml>
        <phase> </phase>
        <phase> </phase>
  <sample><date>2019-02-22 11:41:10.000</date><value>40.0</value><value>25.1</value></sample>
  <sample><date>2019-02-22 12:41:10.000</date><value>41.0</value><value>27.1</value></sample>


Bill export as CSV
Input BILLThe bill run ID
Input isallall
Input detailhigh/low
Return on success
Return on failure
ExampleBill export of all customers for bill run id 2126203
curl --data "LOGIN=subdomain.testme&PWD=testme&BILL=2126203&isall=all&detail=high"


Bill Analysis Summary Report
Input bridThe bill run ID
Input CSV1
Return on success
Return on failure
ExampleSummary for bill run id 2126203
curl --data "LOGIN=subdomain.testme&PWD=testme&brid=2126203&CSV=1"


Get KoCoS and BOL modem connection status
Return on success
<sim>SIM number</sim>
<modem_connected>modem connected date and time. e.g. 2017-02-03 08:32:09.554</modem_connected>
<last_read_attempt>last read attempt. e.g.2017-02-03 03:29:14.712</last_read_attempt>
<last_read_success>last successful read. e.g.2017-02-03 03:29:14.712</last_read_success>
Return on failure


Gets all bills that was run for this login
Return on success
<brid>Bill Run ID of first bill</brid>
<start>Bill Run Start Date of first bill</start>
<end>Bill Run End Date of first bill</end>
...more bill runs...
Return on failure
ExampleGet bill runs


All meters with problems
ReturnCSV with the following columns:
Meter SerialSerial of metere.g. 63901154
Meter NameName of metere.g. Battery Cabinet Floor 1
Meter TypeType of metere.g. Elster AS230
Data In Up ToThe Date and Time up to which there is data for the metere.g. 2017-03-20 11:30:00
Non-Zero Up ToThe Date and Time of the last non-zero datae.g. 2017-03-20 11:30:00
Non-Interpolated Up ToThe Date and Time of the last actual data from the meter (or manual entries)e.g. 2017-03-20 11:30:00
Installed AtThe Date and Time of the meter was installede.g.
Last TotalLast total (E1)e.g. 6045
Last Total AtDate of last totale.g. '2017-01-07 04:00:00.000
Meter Account NameComma Separated List of Meter Accounts linked to this metere.g.
Meter SiteFreeform address-type fielde.g. Mandela Square
Meter ZoneFreeform address-type fielde.g. Kiosk 14
Meter PlaceFreeform address-type fielde.g. Rand park Ridge
ConnectionConnection string to communication device, like IP:Port, Cell Phone Number or HTTP Addresse.g. +27635543670
Connection TypeConnection code: GPRSTC65 - TC65 Modem
GPRSSMAR - Smartee/Smartoo/Smartone
GPRSKOCOS - Kocos Modem
HEXING - Hexing Concentrator
HOLLEY - Holley Concentrator
HEXINGDLMS - Hexing Concentrator (DLMS Type)
TCPS - Etherpad Active
TCPC - Passive
GPRSAPN - Generic Modem Passive
GPRSMAESTRO - Generic Modem Active
CSD - Generic CSD Modem
TCPCA - Etherpad Active Always Connected
GPRSLG - Generic Modem Active Always Connected
TCPSA - Etherpad Passive Always Connected
GPRSMAESTROA - Generic Modem Passive Always Connected
INHE - INHE Concentrator
WASION - Wasion Concentrator
GPRSWGM - Wasion Modem
SYM2 - SYM2 Concentrator
Note that most modems can be loaded as their own type or generic (like KoCoS can be added as Generic Modem)
e.g. GPRSTC65
Connection NameName of communication devicee.g. Lion Mill D Cooler
RTUUnique identifier for connection, like SIM no./IP:Porte.g. 89064900000002923978
ResponsibleIf there is an uncleared faultlog against this meter, this is the faultlog's person responsible or No one if nonee.g. No one
FindingIf there is an uncleared faultlog against this meter, this is the faultlog's finding or None yet if nonee.g. None yet
SchedulingHow often meter is read by AMR system. monthly, weekly, daily or a number in minutese.g. daily
Time ZoneTime Zone of metere.g. Africa/Johannesburg
Sets Not ReadSpace separated list of sets not read. Profile/Totals/Events/Phasor/InstrumentationProfile/BillingRegisterse.g. Profile Totals Events
Problem SummaryShort description of probleme.g. Could not connect
DisabledY if meter is disabled, else Ne.g. Y
CommissionedY if meter is commissioned, else Ne.g. N
Problem TechnicalLong description of probleme.g. SDGInputElster:No data returned from meter
Problem StoryEven longer description of problem.e.g. It did connect to the modem/pad correctly, but the meter didn't answer at all. The meter could be off. Alternatively, the problem is probably the cable between the modem/pad and the meter. They could also be programmed at different baud rates. The easiest way to troubleshoot this is to first successfully talk from your notebook computer using the Meter Manufacturer's software (PMU) through the same serial cable that normally connects to the modem/etherpad. (You may need a normal 9-pin-female-to-9-pin-female laplink serial cable for this).
LatitudeLatitude of metere.g. -25.4
LongitudeLongitude of metere.g. 23.4
Height Above Sea LevelHeight Above Sea Level in meterse.g. 10
Follow-upIf there is an uncleared faultlog against this meter, this is the faultlog's follow up or null if nonee.g. null


Realtime values
Input key1Meter Serial
Input snumberMeter Serial
Input maxcacheageOptional. When present, result is in XML, else result is in JSON
ReturnXML result
  each value in it's own tag, meter dependant:
  <E1 - Accumulative Forward Active kWh
      F1 - Accumulative Forward Reactive kvarh
      E2 - Accumulative Reverse Active kWh
      F2 - Accumulative Reverse Capacitive kvarh
      F3 - Accumulative Reverse Inductive kvarh
      F4 - Accumulative Forward Inductive kvarh
      V1 - Volts Phase 1
      V2 - Volts Phase 2
      V3 - Volts Phase 3
      I1 - Currents Phase 1
      I2 -
      I3 -
      V1A -
      V2A -
      V3A -
      I1A -
      I2A -
      I3A -
    <val>e.g. 114574.26369</val>
    <ts>e.g. 2011-04-14 17:11:01.036</ts>
  ... more values
Example To get realtime values of a meter 58501425 in JSON:
To get realtime values of a meter 58501425 in XML:


Give a list of all times during which a specific TOU ID applies
Input startStart date and time required format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
Input endEnd date and time required format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
Return on success
<start>Start time the TOU ID becomes applicable</start>
<end>End time the TOU ID stops being applicable after the assiciated start time</end>
...more TOU entries...
Return on failure
ExampleGet all applicable times for TOU ID 123456 from 2016-08-01 to 2016-09-01 00:00&end=2016-09-01 00:00


Gets STS meter delivery history
Key3 (optional)
(Note: key names are case sensitive)
a comma delimited string of key3 IDs
startdate (optional)The start date of the phasors (If omitted, defaults to the enddate - 24 hours)
enddate (optional)The end date of the phasors in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". The "HH:MM:SS" part is optional. If left out, defaults to now.
Key1 (optional)Filter on meter's Key1. (where % is the wild card, this must be URL-Encoded with %25, e.g. Key1=%25loc%25)
Key2 (optional)Filter on meter's Key2
pk1 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key1, e.g. a SIM card number. SQL wildcards supported.
pk2 (optional)Filter on an ancestor's Key2, e.g. a phone number. SQL wildcards supported.
place (optional)Filter on meter's place
site (optional)Filter on meter's site
zone (optional)Filter on meter's zone
token (optional)the token or partial token to restrict the search on
action (optional)see 'token'
commissioned (optional) yes/no/all. Default is 'yes'. If yes, only considers meters where the commissioned flag in the Meter Details has been set on.e.g. commissioned=all
Return on success
      <meter>Meter's serial</meter>
      <action>Action, e.g. token number</action>
      <whoid>Individual ID of person or negative eid of entity responsible</whoid>
      <datetime>Date and Time of attempted action</datetime>
      <success>Only appears if success.</success>
      <error>Only appears if error, and describe the error</error>
    </attempt> attempt...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet the sts delivery attempts for multiple meters, during 2 dates.


Gets unique identifiers for a pnpscada server, if available
    <name>Server's unique name</name>
    <id>Server's unique PNPSCADA server id</id>
    <mac>server's MAC address</mac>
ExampleGet the server ids of adam.


Comparable Savings Report
eidid of meter account group
startstart date of report e.g. 2017-06-09
startPrevstart date of comparable time e.g. 2016-06-09
ahstartAfter Hours start time e.g. 19:00
ahendAfter Hours end time e.g. 07:00
daysNumber of days for comparison e.g. 7
Return CSV
Start [start time] to [end time]
Start [comparable start] to [comparable end]
And the following columns:
-Total kWh Used
-Afterhours kWh Used
-% of Usage After Hours
-Total kWh Used
-Afterhours kWh Used
-% of Usage After Hours
-Total Usage Changed %
-Afterhours Usage Changed %
ExampleRun 2017-06-09 agains 2016-06-09 for a week for a Meter Account Group with id 1234


Profile statistics for all Meter Accounts in a Mter Account Group.
eidid of meter account group
showTimeShow Column for when kVA happened (e.g. "on")
showComparableShows comparable time as separate row (e.g. "on")
compare_startTime when comparable range starts (e.g. 2016-07-01)
showAHShows After Hours as separate row (e.g. "on")
ahstartAfter Hours start time (e.g. 19:00)
ahendAfter Hours end time (e.g. 07:00)
csv2 different formats to output CSV. (e.g. 1 or 2)
bucketSizeTimes that are summated (e.g. hour,halfhour,day,week,month,year)
startStart time for report (e.g. 2017-07-01)
endEnd time for report (e.g. 2017-08-01)
P1Show this column (e.g. "on")
P2Show this column (e.g. "on")
Q1Show this column (e.g. "on")
Q2Show this column (e.g. "on")
Q3Show this column (e.g. "on")
Q4Show this column (e.g. "on")
SShow this column (e.g. "on")
countShow this column. This is the number of rows summated. (e.g. "on")
Return CSV (csv=1)
Has the following columns for each line:
Date of group 1 + P1 (if on)
Date of group 1 + P2 (if on)
Date of group 1 + Q1 (if on)
Date of group 1 + Q2 (if on)
Date of group 1 + Q3 (if on)
Date of group 1 + Q4 (if on)
Date of group 1 + S  (if on)
Date of group 1 + S time (if on)
Date of group n + P1 (if on)
Date of group n + P2 (if on)
Date of group n + Q1 (if on)
Date of group n + Q2 (if on)
Date of group n + Q3 (if on)
Date of group n + Q4 (if on)
Date of group n + S  (if on)
Date of group n + S time (if on)

If Comparable is switched on, contains another row, with Comparable in the name, and the same columns
If After Hours is switched on, contains another row, with After Hours in the name, and the same columns
Return CSV (csv=2)
Has the following columns for each line:

the previous table is written out in one column with many rows
ExampleRun 2017-01-01 to 2017-06-01, just consumption, summated monthly, for Meter Account Group with eid 1234


Get latest readings for all meters (has to be server administrator to call this)
      <snumber>Meter's serial</snumber>
      <date>Date and Time of reading</date>
      <E1>Reading in system units</rssi>
    </meter> meter...

Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet all signal logs.


Get readings for all meters (has to be server administrator to call this)
readdateCompulsory. format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, but you can leave out the seconds or the time completely, which would default it to zero
      <snumber>Meter's serial</snumber>
      <err>meter specific Error code. Zero is success. -1 is meter not called in up to date. -2 is meter installed after date. -3 is Discrepancy. </err>
      <E1>Reading in system units</rssi>
    </meter> meter...

Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet all signal logs.


Get signal statistics for meters on concentrators.
meidsOptional. Meter entity ids
ceidsOptional. Concentrator ids
startOptional. From when (e.g. 2017-11-01)
endOptional. To when (e.g. 2017-11-20)
metersperconcentratorOptional. set to 'true' to get one line per meter per concentrator
permeterOptional. set to 'true' to get one line per meter
perconcentratorOptional. set to 'true' to get one line per concentrator
timefieldOptional. default is 'ts' which is the time the concentrator received the packet from the meter. Set to 'created' to look at the time that meter packet was first received from the concentrator into the server. Set to 'created2' to look at the last time that meter packet was received from the concentrator into the server.
      <meter>Meter's serial</meter>
      <conc>Concentrator serial</conc>
      <ts>Timestamp of signal sample</ts>
      <fail>Y/N usually N, except in case of some catastrophic failure</fail>
    </rec> rec...

      <meter>Meter's serial</meter>
      <ts>Timestamp of latest packet for this meter</ts>
      <concentrators>[number of concentrators in which the meter was found]</concentrators>
      <count>[number of records for this meter]</count>
    </rec> rec...

      <conc>Concentrator serial</conc>
      <ts>Timestamp of latest packet for this concentrator</ts>
      <meters>[number of meters found by this concentrator in the packets]</concentrators>
      <count>[number of records for this concentrator]</count>
    </rec> rec...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet all signal logs.


Get/Set gps co-ordinates for physical objects.
eidSpecify the entity. Can use any of the alternative methods, e.g. key1 or key2 or key3
startOptional. From when (e.g. 2017-11-01) otherwise from the start of time
endOptional. To when (e.g. 2017-11-20) otherwise until the end of time
latOptional. Latitude in degrees as a floating point value. Will set a new location if both lat and lng are specified
lngOptional. Longitude in degrees as a floating point value. Will set a new location if both lat and lng are specified
haslOptional. Height above sea level to set. If not specified, assume 0m above sea level
proximityOptional. Proximity / Size / Accuracy of object location in meters (radius). If not specified, assume 1m radius, therefore 2m diameter.
ldateOptional. The time when the entity assumed this position (e.g. 2017-11-20). If not specified, assume Current Timestamp.
  <eid>Entity's id </eid>
      <ldate>Date of location setting</ldate>
      <lat>Latitude in degrees as a floating point value </lat>
      <lng>Longitude in degrees as a floating point value </lng>
      <hasl>Height above sea level in meters </hasl>
      <proximity>Proximity / Size / Accuracy of object location in meters (radius) </proximity>
      <user_id> Entity ID of user login who set it </user_id>
    </location> location...
Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet all signal logs.


Get meter serial numbers of appropriate meters for the value of a particular SAP related value.
coctinstSpecify the coctinst. return meter serials
utilitiesdeviceidSpecify the utilitiesdeviceid. return meter serials
serialidSpecify the serialid. return meter serials
materialidSpecify the materialid. return meter serials
parentinstpointidSpecify the parentinstpointid. return meter serials
liskeySpecify the liskey. return meter serials
 <value>[value specified for above method]</value>
      <snumber>[meter serial]</snumber> meter...

Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet all signal logs.


Get a log of the last few successful changes that was pushed to the Client url.
limitoptional. How many latest records to be returned? Default is 5.
metersselectedoptional. Specify one or more meter serial numbers (comma delimited) to be returned. Default is all meters.
      <pid>[push entity id]</pid>
      <meter>[meter serial number]</meter>
      <mask>[set mask pushed, e.g. 4 for events]</mask>
      <upto>[date and time up to which the last push was]</upto>
      <status>[for events this would be 1 for start and 0 for end of event]</status>
      <status_date_time>[date and time of last happening]</status_date_time>
 </push> push record...

Return on failure<xml><result>ERROR:error message</result></xml>
ExampleGet all signal logs.

Various Reports:

To access any various-report as a web service, just add the parameters report=[name] and type=xml. Alternatively, you can also use type=csv.

Login Details

Columns:[ID, Firstname, Lastname, Cell, Email, Login, PAuth Disabled, PAuth Edit]
List of login details

All Entities

Columns:[Type, Key 1, Key 2, EID, Key 3, Owner]
List of all visible entities

All Attributes

Columns:[Entity Category, Attribute Category, Attribute Name, Attribute Type]
List of attributes defined

All Attribute Values

Columns:[Entity Category, Attribute Category, Attribute Name, Attribute Type, Value, Description]
List of attributes defined with their Dropdown Selection values

All Entity Attributes

Columns:[Entity Category, Attribute Category, Attribute Name, Attribute Type, Entity, Value]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Delete permissions or "all"]
List of attributes defined for each Entity

Meters Everything

Columns:[Serial, Name, Type, Site, Zone, Place, Disabled, Commissioned, Manualonly, Note, Utility, Full Load, Wires, Primary Metering, Meter Units, Meter Units varh, Meter Units VA, Firmware Version, CT, VT, Pulse, Max Date, Installed, Captured, Last Read, Max Non Zero, Timezone, TZ Offset Sec, Time Set Mode, Read Mask, Sample Period, Interval Profile, Interval Total, Interval Event, Interval Phasor, Interval InstProf, Interval BillReg, Read MSG, Read Instruction, Read Tech, Read Class, Read Level, Demand Alarm, PF Alarm, PF Alarm Limit, Error Threshold, Error Counter, Error Degradation, Ignore Connect Error, Zero Interval, P1, P2, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, S, RTU]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details. Where they are and how they are read.

Meters Where

Columns:[Serial, Name, Type, Site, Zone, Place, Disabled, Commissioned, Manualonly, Note]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details. Where they are and how they are read.

Meters Setup

Columns:[Serial, Name, Utility, Full Load, Wires, Primary Metering, Meter Units, Meter Units varh, Meter Units VA, Firmware Version]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details.

Meters Constants

Columns:[Serial, Name, CT, VT, Pulse]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details.

Meters Date

Columns:[Serial, Name, Max Date, Installed, Captured, Last Read, Max Non Zero, Timezone, TZ Offset Sec, Time Set Mode, Disabled]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details.

Meters Interval

Columns:[Serial, Name, Read Mask, Sample Period, Interval Profile, Interval Total, Interval Event, Interval Phasor, Interval InstProf, Interval BillReg]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details.

Meters Channels

Columns:[Serial, Name, P1, P2, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, S]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details.

Meters Read and Alarm

Columns:[Serial, Name, Read MSG, Read Instruction, Read Tech, Read Class, Read Level, Demand Alarm, PF Alarm, PF Alarm Limit]
List of meters details.

Meters Error

Columns:[Serial, Name, Error Threshold, Error Counter, Error Degradation, Ignore Connect Error, Zero Interval, Disabled]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters details.

Meters Properties

Columns:[Serial, Name, Various]
List of meters properties.

Meter Last Total

Columns:[Serial, Name, Date, E1, F1, E2, F3, F2, F4, Disabled, Status, Read At]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
Meter Totals.

Meter Last Phasor

Columns:[Serial, Name, Date, V1, V2, V3, V1A, V2A, V3A, I1, I2, I3, I1A, I2A, I3A]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
Meter Phasors.

Meter Min Date

Columns:[Serial, Name, Min Date, Max Date]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of minimum and maximum dates of profile for each meter.

UAS Queue

Columns:[Date, Started, Ignore, Error, UAS Customer ID, From Date, To Date, Meter, IP, Load Profile]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
Orders received from UAS Server

Metering Information

Columns:[Serial, Meter Name, Account Name, Account #, CT, VT, Pulse, Primary, Latitude, Longitude, Place, Zone, Site]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters along with the account(s) they are in and their location information.

Kamstrup Profile Setup Cache

Columns:[ID, Name, Profile, Profile OBIS, Auto OBIS, Done, Credit OBIS, Has Auto]

Meter Seal

Columns:[Meter, Date, Seal]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of last seal for each meter

Meter Type

Columns:[Type, Utility, Unit, Pulses, Profile, Totals, Events, Phasor, Billing, Inst Prof, Meter Type]
List of meter types

Meter TOU Calendars

Columns:[Meter, Calendars]
List of meters and their connection to a calendar

Meters SAP Disconnect Status

Columns:[Serial, Name, Disconnect Status]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters and their SAP connection status

Back Plane Meter Date

Columns:[Serial, Name, Max Date]
List of Back Plane Meters and their Date.

Meter Event Setup

Columns:[Meter, Type, Total, QoS, Comms, Time, Power, Tamper, Current, setup, system, diag, usr, Audit, Audit warn, Audit err, Contact, prepaid, check, I<-, V>, V<, zero]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters and how many events invalidate per class.

License Info

Columns:[Meter, Type, Wires, Utility, CT Ratio, VT Ratio, Instrumentation, Type, Owner]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meter info for all meters that used channel licenses in the given period.

SyM2 Time Index

Columns:[Meter, Max Date, Min Time, Max Time, Time Difference, Min Counter, Max Counter, Counter Difference, Drift]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of SyM2 Meters or "all"]
List of SyM2 and how far their "Seconds since startup Counter" (SSSC) has drifted.
SyM2 meters give their SSSC once per day.
PNPSCADA logs the counter along with the actual time.
Over time it is then possible to see if a meter's time drifts.
This report only considers the first SSSC ever received with the last SSSC received per meter.
Only enabled meters are shown.

Meter Accounts

Columns:[Number, Name, Account #, Lat, Long, Billing Period, Vacant, m2, Show Bill, Autobill, Send PDF, Year Start, Meters, Tariffs]
List of meter accounts.

Meter Account Numbers

Columns:[Number, Name, Account #, Label 1, Value 1, Label 2, Value 2, Label 3, Value 3]
List of meter account numbers.

Meter To Meter Account Allocations

Columns:[Number, Account Name, Serial, Meter Name, Do m2, Vacant, m2, Portion]
Meter To Meter Account Allocations.

Meter Account Min Date

Columns:[Name, Serials, Min Date, Max Date]
List of minimum and maximum dates of profile for each Meter Account.


Columns:[ID, Organization, Postal Address, VAT, Name, Cell Phone, Email, Role, Account, Building]
This shows each login along with the organization and VAT number, one of the meter account's number and building.

Default Tariffs

Columns:[Account, Name, Tariff, Name]
List of Meters Account and their default tariff.

Bill Reset Problems

Columns:[Serial, Name, Last Data Date, Bill Reset, Error Message]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List of meters that don't have readings up to last bill reset date

Unique Meter Account Channels

Columns:[Number, Count]
Shows all unique Meter Account Numbers in the current organization that have read in during the given period

Meter Account ~ Meter Changes

Columns:[Who, Log Date, Meter, Meter Account, Utility, Portion]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]
Changes to Meters linked to Meter Accounts

Meter Account ~ Tariff Changes

Columns:[Who, Log Date, Tariff, Meter Account, tgidx, notifydemand, notifydemandperc, auc, startdate, histavg, margin, isbilltariff]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]
Changes to Tariffs linked to Meter Accounts

Meter Account ~ Changes

Columns:[Who, Log Date, Meter Account, utility, period, sqm, cnumber, multiplier, utilitycode, almclass, billonprofile, gvarper, sqmport]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]
Changes to Meter Accounts

Meter Account, Meter and Groups

Columns:[Meter EID, Meter Account EID, Serial, Stand, Site, Account Name, Account Number, Venus Code, Tariff, Region, Modem, Group]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]
List all Meter Accounts, the Meters in the account, default Tariff, and the Meter Account Groups

Meter Accounts in Multiple Prepaid Facilities

Columns:[Meter Account, Prepaid Facility Count]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]
List all Meter Accounts that have more than 1 Prepaid Facility linked to it

Additional Tariff Parameters

Columns:[Meter Account, Tariff, Line Item, Value, Other]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]
List all Additional Tariff Parameters for the selected Meter Accounts. Does not show in this report, if not set yet.

Account Role

Columns:[Grp ID, Meter Account Group, Acc ID, Meter Account, Role, Is Tenant]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Account Group View or "all"]
List Meter Accounts per Meter Account Group and their role in that group


Columns:[ID, Name, Certified, By, Tax, Currency, Align, Decimals, Category, Authority, Calendars, Accounts]
List of tariffs.

Tariff Line Items

Columns:[Tariff ID, Tariff Name, Line Item, Type, Order]
List of tariffs and their line items.


Columns:[ID, Name, Certified, By, Timezone, Do DST, Billing Reset, Sample Period, Season Mode, Tariffs]
List of calendars.

Communication Device

Columns:[Name, Type, IP / Port / SIM, Meters, Active Meters, EID]
List of communication devices.

Modem Connection Times

Columns:[Name, Connection Time]
List of times communication device connected.

Most Used CSD Meters

Columns:[Phone, Minutes, Seconds, Meters]
Shows time spent in csd calls.


Columns:[ID, Name, Organization, Login, Add Restrict, Interface Restrict, Entity Restrict, Page Restrict, Custom Menu, Visible Entities]
List of roles.

Role Parameters

Columns:[Name, Email delay, Email Day Start, Email Day End, Email Limit, Email at Night, SMS Delay, SMS Day Start, SMS Day End, SMS Limit, SMS at Night, PWD Days, PWD Grace Days, PWD Description, PWD RegExp]
List of role's parameters.

Role Entities

Columns:[Role, Entity]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Roles Edit or "all"]
List of roles and their visible entities.

Login Entities

Columns:[Role, Login, Role Restricted, Entity Type, Entity ID, Entity Key 1, Entity Key 2]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Login Accounts Edit or "all"]
List of logins and their role and visible entities configured in either role or login.

CommunitySMS Login

Columns:[Role, Send SMS, Login]
List of roles and their associated CommunitySMS Login.


Columns:[ID, Name, Lo Limit, Lo Enabled, LoLo Limit, LoLo Enabled, Currency, Align, Decimals, Opening Amount, Open Date]
Notes on all ledgers

Ledger Notes

Columns:[ID, Name, By, Date, Note]
Notes on all ledgers

Ledger Final Deductions

Columns:[ID, Name, Amount, Last Date]
Current: 2025-01-01 00:00 to 2025-02-01 00:00
Final deductions made by the prepaid facility for ledgers for the specified month.
End should be set to the start of the next month.

Duplicate Ledger Transactions

Columns:[Ledger, Amount, Date 1, Date 2, Description 1, Description 2]
List of transactions with same amount credit within 7 days

Prepaid Facilities

Columns:[Prepaid Facility, Disable Switch Off, Disable Switch On, Off Deadband, Check Previous Months, How Many Previous Months, Alt Tariff, Run For Period, Smoothing, Break Bill Down, At Start Deduct First Bill, Optimize Switch, If Up To Date Rerun Last Month, TOU On, TOU Off, Allow Negative Monthly, Bill From]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Prepaid Facilities Admin or "all"]
List all Prepaid Facility settings

Prepaid Facility Edit

Columns:[Prepaid Facility, Date, Meter Account, Ledger, Breaker, Who]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Prepaid Facilities Admin or "all"]
List all Prepaid Facility edits

Garnish Orders

Columns:[Garnish ID, Garnish, Percentage, Always, Payment To, Payment From]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Garnish Orders or "all"]
List of Garnish setups

Debit Order Logs

Columns:[Debit Order ID, Debit Order, Who, Time, Amount, Frequency]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Debit Orders Admin or "all"]
List of Debit Order Edits

PayFAST Orders

Columns:[Ledger Number, Ledger Name, Orders, Login, Order Status, PayFAST ID, PayFAST Name, Created]
List of PayFAST Orders

Payment Gateway Edit Log

Columns:[Payment Facility, Log Date, Who, PPF Count]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Payment Facilities Admin or "all"]
List of PayFAST Orders

Breaker Last Successfull Switches

Columns:[Breaker ID, Breaker Name, Meter Serial, Date, Action, Who]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List each breaker and their last known switched state from the logs.

All Successful Switches

Columns:[Breaker ID, Breaker Name, Meter Serial, Date, Action, Who]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List all succcessful breaker swicthes for a date range.

All Failed Switches

Columns:[Breaker ID, Breaker Name, Meter Serial, Date, Action, Who]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List all failed breaker swicthes for a date range.

Communication Devices Online - Offline

Columns:[Entity, Max Date]
Communication Devices Online - Offline

Communication Devices Online - Online

Columns:[Entity, Max Date]
Communication Devices Online - Online

Meters Online - Online

Columns:[Entity, Max Date]
Meters Online - Online

Meters Online - Offline

Columns:[Entity, Max Date]
Meters Online - Offline

Ledger Transactions Today - No Transactions

Columns:[Entity, Last Date]
Ledger Transactions Today - No Transactions

Ledger Transactions - At Least One

Columns:[Entity, Last Date]


Meter Accounts Billed 31 Days - Not Billed

Columns:[Meter Account, Last Billed]
Meter Accounts Billed 31 Days - Not Billed

Meter Accounts Billed 31 Days - Billed

Columns:[Meter Account]
Meter Accounts Billed 31 Days - Billed

Meter Read Attempts

Columns:[Meter, Fail, Success]
Meter Read Attempts

Meter Read Attempts Last Month

Columns:[Meter, Fail, Success]
Meter Read Attempts Last Month

Alarm Log

Columns:[acc.key2, cnumber, gname, Utility, Type, Date, Count, Recipient, gid]


Bill Delete Log

Columns:[Account Name, Bill Run, Account Number, Deleted Time, Bill Start, Bill End, Person, Published]
List of deleted bills

Fault Log

Columns:[acc.key2, meter.key2, faultid, init_date, initiator, cnumber, snumber, symptom, technician, finding, responsible, action, clear_date, cleared, toinvoice, newwork]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Modify Readings Log

Columns:[meter.key2,, who, logdate, snumber, fromwhen, towhen, multiplier, dototals]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Import Log

Columns:[meter.key2,, who, logdate, snumber, fromwhen, towhen, comdate, maxdate, maxdatenonzero, maxdatenoninterp]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Individual Log

Columns:[ID, Who, Log Date, Individual ID, First Name, Lastname, email, Cellphone, Login, Password, ts]
Changes to Logins

Meter Account Log

Columns:[meter.key2, snumber, editdate, who, descr]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meter Accounts Admin or "all"]


Meter Edit Log

Columns:[meter.key2, snumber, editdate, who, descr]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Meter Event Log

Columns:[meter.key2, snumber, eclassid, eventid, phase, sdate, edate, value, reservation, validated, faultid, did]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Meter Event Mask Log

Columns:[Name, Serial, Log Date, Event, Event ID, Notification, Invalidates]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
List state right before change at Log Date for Meter Event Mask changes from Edit->Meter Event Setup screen

Meter Import Log

Columns:[meter.key2, snumber, importdate, start, stop, who, maxdatedate, maxdatedatenonzero, maxdatedatenoninterp, comdate, errormsg]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Meter Total Log

Columns:[meter.key2, snumber, editdate, who, tdate, descr]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Role Log

Columns:[id, who, logdate, roleid, orgid, rolename, addrestricted, interfrestricted, entrestricted, globl, ts, deleted, startpage, pagrestricted, emaildelay, emaildaystart, emaildayend, emaillimit, emailatnight, smsdelay, smsdaystart, smsdayend, smslimit, smsatnight, custommenu, smsparms, pwdregexp, pwddays, pwdgracedays, pwddescr]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Role Views or "all"]


Delete Log

Columns:[EID, Class, Key1, Key2, Key3, Owner, First Name, Last Name, Login, ts]
List of deleted entities.

Ledger Log

Columns:[id, who, logdate, ledgerid, name, orgid, odate, oamt, deleted, loalarm, loloalarm, enablelo, enablelolo, currency, currency_align, currency_decimals]
List of ledger changes.

Tariff Log

Columns:[ID, By, Log Date, Tariff, Action]
List of tariff changes.

Calendar Log

Columns:[ID, By, Log Date, Calendar, Action]
List of calendar changes.

SMS Send Attempt

Columns:[Sent, Number, Key 1, Key 2, Result]
SMS send attempts

Email Send Attempt

Columns:[Sent, Email, Key 1, Key 2, Result]
Email send attempts

Task Scheduler Log

Columns:[Phone, Name, Create Date, Schedule Date, Done Date, Class Name, Result, Update Url, Update Done, Remaining Retries]
List of tasks.

PayU Transactions

Columns:[Ledger, PayU #1, PayU #2, Amount, Date, Done Date, Result]
List of PayU logs

STS Vend

Columns:[STS System, Meter, Time, Operation, Parm, Worked, Result, Request ID, Sub Class, Value]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of STS Prepaid meters or "all"]
List of STS Tokens Vended from a Vending Server. Has not necessarily been sent to meter.


Columns:[Time, File Name, Gateway ID, Position, Taken, Template, Meter]
Log for each time a CSV is imported via FTP


Columns:[Time, File Name, Gateway ID, Who, Template, Meter]
Log for each time a CSV is imported via FTP

Sensus FTP Queue

Columns:[Time, File Name, Gateway ID]
Log for each time a Sensus CSV is imported via FTP

Sensus FTP Log

Columns:[Time, File Name, Gateway ID, Who]
Log for each time a Sensus CSV is imported via FTP

TOU Billing Register Edit Log

Columns:[Meter, Who, Date, Reading, Status, REG, Create Date]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]



Columns:[Device, Time At, Time For, Path, Data, Info, IP]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of SIGFOX devices or "all"]
Log for each SigFox push


Columns:[Device, Date, Line, Payload, Topic, Status, Done AT, Error, Created]
Log for paycorp

Pulse Log

Columns:[Device, Date, Pulse Value, Pulse Count, Status]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters with Profile or Totals or "all"]
Log for pulses

Prepaid Log

Columns:[Entity, Date, Message]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Prepaid Facilities Admin or "all"]
Log of errors for prepaid

KoCoS Queue

Columns:[Name, Serial, Queue Date, Payload, Meter Type, Record Type, Busy Thread, Owner, Ignore, Err, IP]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Meter Push Updater Meter Event

Columns:[Name, Serial, ID, Push Mask, Up To]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
The latest time updates were sent to client system per meter.

Spike Log

Columns:[Meter Name, Serial, Log Date, Who, Spike Date, Action Performed, Spike Value Before, Note]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]


Echelon Orders

Columns:[Meter Name, Serial, Order ID, Start, End, Date, Processed]
Parameter: set=[Comma separated list of eid's of Meters Admin or "all"]
